My apologies for the previous email, I meant to resend this one as I sent it from the wrong address and was bounced...

John Fraizer wrote:

Just how do you suppose that Joe Public "stumbled" across Asterisk in the first place? Is he now too stupid to google "DNS SVR"? Perhaps we should also modify the documentation to remind Joe Public to inhale and exhale, otherwise he'll die of lack of oxygen!

Have you ever sat in the #asterisk channel and answered some of the most basic asterisk questions? I take it from your answer you haven't, so maybe you should to see exactly what I mean...

In any case it's more about lack of knowledge in DNS and since they
don't know about a feature they see no point in using google to check
what it does, it won't help them any more then just the core feature
set, so until it's a core feature that can't be disabled it won't be any
more valuable to me then an A record...


Best regards,
 Duane - Free Security Certificates - Think globally, network locally - Telecommunications Freedom - Sell your photos over the net! - Using Enum.164 to interconnect asterisk servers

"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the
stream always wins; not through strength, but through persistence."
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