Hi all,

I need help. I have a Linux box with SER as a proxy server with ip phones attached on it , and another linux box with Asterisk and T410 card connect to an E1 line .Whenever there is  a call from PSTN it is passed to Asterisk and then to SER box and then to the phone .every time an invalid number dialed from PSTN to SIP phones connected to SER asterisk says

that the call is progressing while it is not the case and send an alerting message to the Nortel DMS switch attached to it. Is there any way I can remove that alerting message and send the collect message to the switch? I think that the reason is that * is not directly connected to the phones it is calling


my setup is like this.



phones------------>SER--------------->Asterisk---------------->PSTN(PRI connected to NORTEL DES 100 switch)


I would like to find a way of

informing Asterisk that the call is progressing or something like that, not ringing until it gets the correct message from SER .

I am using Asterisk CVS-04/06/04-10:46:21 on Red Hat 9 and Sip Express

 Router version 12 on Red Hat 9.


I tried to use PRI_causes and “r” extension in extension.conf but still the problem is there.




 Any idea on how I can solve this problem?



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