i'm new to asterisk and am having trouble placing outbound calls. i know this topic has been discussed ad nauseum in the past [1] , but i can't seem to find a workaround and i'm wondering if my newbie-ness is getting the best of me.

after registering the phones correctly and receiving a "200 o.k." message i can connect to other registered softphones and pstn endpoints [ via an voicepulse account ], but after making the initial connection, i can't hear any sound and i get disconnected after getting the following error message:

chan_sip.c:497 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on call [EMAIL PROTECTED] for seqno 41270

i've compiled the stock asterisk tarball on a redhat 7.3 box with a public ip address. the clients are xten lite softphone's running on ibooks with os 10.3.4. the clients are natted behind a linksys wrt54g wireless router running the sveasoft [2] firmware. i'm perplexed, because i can get things to work fine if i use ser/rtpproxy instead of asterisk. i can also connect directly to my voicepulse connect account with the xten softphone and things work great. so i think i have the xten client configured properly and i know that the sveasoft firmware isn't throwing a monkey wrench into the picture. i suppose i could configure ser to "front" asterisk since it appears to deal with the nat, but i'm wondering if i'm missing something basic.

my channel config files look like the  following:


port = 5060                     ; Port to bind to
bindaddr =              ; Address to bind SIP channel to
context = default               ; Default context for incoming calls
disallow=all                    ; Disallow all codecs
allow=ulaw                      ; Allow codecs in order of preference


type=friend           ; This device takes and makes calls
username=2000         ; Username on device
secret=supersecret ; Password for device
host=dynamic          ; This host is not on the same IP addr every time
canreinvite=no                ; Typically set to NO if behind NAT


type=friend           ; This device takes and makes calls
username=2001         ; Username on device
secret=supersecret2 ; Password for device
host=dynamic          ; This host is not on the same IP addr every time
canreinvite=no                ; Typically set to NO if behind NAT


disallow=all                    ; Disallow all codecs
allow=ulaw                      ; Allow codecs in order of preference

[voicepulse] context = voicepulse-in secret=topsecrect auth=md5 type=friend host=gw5.voicepulse.com

[1] http://www.google.com/search?q=retrans_pkt:+Maximum+retries+exceeded+on+call++site:http://lists.digium.com&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&start=10&sa=N

[2] http://www.sveasoft.com/modules/phpBB2/index.php
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