On 03:16 AM 7/6/2004, Jasminko Mulahusic wrote:
>it looks (to me) like asterisk is not doing an SRV lookup when
>REGISTERing with another sip proxy. is that correct?
>what i am trying to achieve is to register [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a
>proxy using
>register => jasko:secret:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>my problem is that asterisk is doing a simple A RR lookup for the
>domain telia.net which is pointing to a host that is NOT the proxy for
>that domain (resulting in the REGISTER message ending up with the
>wrong host).

have you set

srvlookup = yes  ;Enable DNS SRV lookups on calls

in your sip.conf file?

see: http://www.voip-info.org/tiki-index.php?page=Asterisk+config+sip.conf


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