I have an asterisk implementation that is running for the last 2 months. Now the customer wants to be able to get an email
everytime a dial command fails...i.e when either no one picks up, its busy or the link to the end user device is down.
Actually, this is a small call centre type of installation. * is located in Singapore and the end points (i.e agents) are located in
India. And the reason he wants this email (not voicemail notification to email, just a notification that the call did not get thru)
is because the link between * and the agents may be down.....mainly due to the internet connectivity issues.
Does anyone have such an app? Also, this app should send multiple email addresses the email that the link may be down.
If there isn't such an app, can someone develop it for me? I will be willing to pay a small price for it.

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