Bill seconds is always wrong on an analog FXO port.  Go with PRI and it
will be correct.

On Wed, 2004-07-14 at 11:54, Johannes van Hulst wrote:
> Is the CDR table the right table for billing?
> I did some tests and CDR records billing seconds for calls that where
> never picked up.
> Is this a bug in my system or is that the way CDR works?
> I called out on my X100T card.
> Best regards,
> Han
> Test data
> Duration 12 seconds 8 seconds billing time (never picked up my phone)
> Duration 111 seconds 108 seconds billing time (5 second but the remote
> hang-up was not detected)
          Eric Wieling * BTEL Consulting * 504-899-1387 x2111
"In a related story, the IRS has recently ruled that the cost of Windows
upgrades can NOT be deducted as a gambling loss."

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