That's good.  The sql file I gave you should create the correct table layout.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] MS SQL & Free TDS

you da man.. It's connecting, no segmentation or
crashing... just can't log the cdr's yet... probably a
table issue working on it...

On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 22:22:31 -0500
  "Duane Cox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Sure thing...
>Luke Catranis, Seshu Kanuri, and any others:
>Asterisk CVS-HEAD, CDR with MSSQL 7.0 database; via
>unixODBC and FreeTDS:
>cd /usr/src &&
>rm -fr unixODBC-2.2.9 &&
>tar -zxvf unixODBC-2.2.9.tar.gz &&
>cd unixODBC-2.2.9 &&
>./configure --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr --disable-gui
>make &&
>make install
>cd /usr/src &&
>rm -fr freetds-0.62.4 &&
>tar -zxvf freetds-0.62.4.tar.gz &&
>cd freetds-0.62.4 &&
>./configure --prefix=/usr --with-tdsver=7.0
>--with-unixodbc=/usr/lib &&
>make &&
>make install
>ldconfig -v
>/etc/rc.d/init.d/asterisk stop
>cd /usr/src/asterisk &&
>make clean &&
>make update &&
>make &&
>make install
>cat > /etc/odbcinst.ini << "EOF"
>Description    = FreeTDS ODBC driver for MSSQL
>Driver         = /usr/lib/
>Setup          = /usr/lib/
>FileUsage      = 1
>cat > /etc/odbc.ini << "EOF"
>description         = Asterisk ODBC for MSSQL
>driver              = FreeTDS
>server              = IP.IP.IP.IP
>port                = 1433
>database            = your_database_name_here
>tds_version         = 7.0
>language            = us_english
>[ -f /etc/asterisk/cdr_tds.conf ] >
>cat > /etc/asterisk/cdr_odbc.conf << "EOF"
>cat > cdr_table.sql << "EOF"
>        [calldate]      [datetime]              NOT NULL
>        [clid]          [varchar] (80)          NOT NULL
>        [src]           [varchar] (80)          NOT NULL
>        [dst]           [varchar] (80)          NOT NULL
>        [dcontext]      [varchar] (80)          NOT NULL
>        [channel]       [varchar] (80)          NOT NULL
>        [dstchannel]    [varchar] (80)          NOT NULL
>        [lastapp]       [varchar] (80)          NOT NULL
>        [lastdata]      [varchar] (80)          NOT NULL
>        [duration]      [int]                   NOT NULL
>        [billsec]       [int]                   NOT NULL
>        [disposition]   [varchar] (45)          NOT NULL
>        [amaflags]      [int]                   NOT NULL
>        [accountcode]   [varchar] (20)          NOT NULL
>        [uniqueid]      [varchar] (32)          NOT NULL
>        [userfield]     [varchar] (255)         NOT NULL
>echo "modify for your IP, database, username, and
>/etc/rc.d/init.d/asterisk start
>Asterisk CVS-HEAD, CDR with MSSQL 7.0 database; via
>FreeTDS directly (I like
>cd /usr/src &&
>rm -fr freetds-0.62.4 &&
>tar -zxvf freetds-0.62.4.tar.gz &&
>cd freetds-0.62.4 &&
>./configure --prefix=/usr --with-tdsver=7.0 &&
>make &&
>make install
>ldconfig -v
>/etc/rc.d/init.d/asterisk stop
>cd /usr/src/asterisk &&
>make clean &&
>make update &&
>make &&
>make install
>[ -f /etc/asterisk/cdr_odbc.conf ] >
>cat > /etc/asterisk/cdr_tds.conf << "EOF"
>cat > cdr_table.sql << "EOF"
>        [accountcode]   [varchar] (20)          NULL ,
>        [src]           [varchar] (80)          NULL ,
>        [dst]           [varchar] (80)          NULL ,
>        [dcontext]      [varchar] (80)          NULL ,
>        [clid]          [varchar] (80)          NULL ,
>        [channel]       [varchar] (80)          NULL ,
>        [dstchannel]    [varchar] (80)          NULL ,
>        [lastapp]       [varchar] (80)          NULL ,
>        [lastdata]      [varchar] (80)          NULL ,
>        [start]         [datetime]              NULL ,
>        [answer]        [datetime]              NULL ,
>        [end]           [datetime]              NULL ,
>        [duration]      [int]                   NULL ,
>        [billsec]       [int]                   NULL ,
>        [disposition]   [varchar] (20)          NULL ,
>        [amaflags]      [varchar] (16)          NULL ,
>        [uniqueid]      [varchar] (32)          NULL
>echo "modify for your IP, database, username, and
>/etc/rc.d/init.d/asterisk start
>Duane Cox
>Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 10:07 PM
>Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] MS SQL & Free TDS
>> Didn't see it, but here's my reply again... with none of
>> the garbage...
>> Two Specific Issues
>>   1. With cdr_odbc unixodbc (2.2.9) I can connect with
>> tsql and isql to my MS SQL server. But when I try to
>> the cdr_odbc in * I get a segmentation fault and the
>> server crashes.
>> 2. With cdr_tds, I have the .c file but that's it, I do
>> not know what to do next, in order to compile the .so to
>> load the module, I'm an Idiot please help.
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