On Sat, 14 Aug 2004, administrator tootai wrote:

> Hi list,
> I have SIP clients and H323 GK connected through h323 channel (Nufone).
> In h323 conf I gave prefix=09 so all call starting with this prefix are
> send to asterisk. The context is also given their as [fromh323]
> But now, in asterisk, I want to have the called number without this 2
> leading digits so the exten variable will be according to my actual
> dialplan. Here's an exemple:
> In extensions.conf I have
> exten => 100,1,Goto(demo,s,1)
> If I call #100 from SIP it's ok. So now, if I want to reach this
> extension from an h323 EP, I have to call 09100. This call will never
> succeed (or I create a new exten line, same as above, with this prefix).

You're right, you will have to create an extension to match the 09xxx
numbers. But you don't have to create one for every "real" SIP extension
you have. Instead, make one that matches all 09xxx extensions and does a

exten => _09XXX,1,Goto(yoursipextensionscontext,${EXTEN:2},1)

for three digit "real" extensions. Add or remove X's for more or fewer
digits, or just use _09. for _ANYTHING_ that starts with 09 (keep that in
mind.. sometimes that wildcard extension comes back to bite you!).


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