Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
On Wednesday 18 August 2004 19:31, Ryan Courtnage wrote:

Theoretically, I know it's possible, but is any using multiple tdm400ps
(fxo) in single * box?  In a production environment?  Any gotchas aside
form irq sharing?

Buy a T100P and a channel bank with two FXO modules. WAY less interrupt activity and the quality of the FXO modules will be better. TDMxxP are great for low density but you're approaching the realm of mid density.

It's tough to find that happy medium between 8 analog lines and 16 (when a digital service becomes cost effective).

A Rhino channel bank with 12 fxo will retail to about $1850, plus $500 for the t100p. It's a tough sale for a growing small company that has already invested in (and outgrown) 2 tdm400ps.

With the absence of partial-PRI, is this the most cost-effective way to initially deploy a 12 fxo port system (or upgrade an 8 port system to 12).

I apologize, this email is probably now more suited for asterisk-biz. But I'm looking to hear from people that are delivering solutions for this specific problem.

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