> I'm running Asterisk 1.0 RC2 on a RedHat 9.0 box. I have a ISDN BRI line
> that I would like hook up to my Asterisk server and would like to ask
> the group what you guys would recommend as far as isdn cards that
> install easily into the Linux and asterisk environment.  

I've done a couple installs with the Eicon Diva Server BRI cards.  They
seem to work fine with CAPI and chan_capi.  However, they are pricey.  A
quick froogle search has one company listing them at $560. Oh, make sure
you pick up a NT1 (eBay is good) as the card has a S/T interface.

The cheap HFC based cards are great...if you live in EuroISDN land.  US
telcos never really figured out how to make ISDN make sense, and we
ended up with NationalISDN (NI).  Last I heard the only think stopping 
asterisk drivers for the HFC cards from supporting NI1 was a lack of
time, money, and the right Bellcore specs.

I *really* like ISDN and I think it could be great for a lot of small
business use.  However, US telcos rather dislike it.


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