There are at least two ways to configure Vonage and Asterisk to
connect to each other: you can connect the FXS port on your Vonaga ATA
to an FXO port on an Asterisk box, or you can make a SIP connection to
Vonage's server that Vonage thinks is coming from a "soft phone".

If you connect the ports between the Vonage ATA and your Asterisk box,
you will be limited to one call at a time.

If you use the "soft phone" approach, another user has reported that
multiple simultaneous calls appear to be possible.

I don't know if I would want to gamble on that being true forever - my
best guess is that it's an oversight on Vonage's part, not a choice.
They don't seem to be very flexible or interested in the
hobbyist/prosumer market.

(Besides, if they let you start 2 or 3 or 4 simultaneous conversations
with a single account, what's your motivation to sign up for multiple
Vonage lines? very little, I suppose ..)

Long-term, my impression is that if you want multiple simultaneous
calls, you'll want to switch to another VoIP provider. I am in the
same situation that you are (single Vonage line, want multiple inbound
calls, don't want to change my phone number) and I'm slowly reaching
the conclusion that I need to bite the bullet and dump Vonage, and my
phone number along with it.

Greg Broiles, JD, EA
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lists only. Not for confidential communications.)
Law Office of Gregory A. Broiles
San Jose, CA
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