I have to disagree with a lot of your statements:

Leo Ann Boon wrote:

Hi all,

I'm having serious problem getting zaphfc to work on my box. I d/l'd bri-stuff-0.1.0RC3/RC4a and followed the instructions to the dot. Everything builds fine. But, when 'make load' the whole machine will freeze. Anyone had the same problem and managed to solve it? I'm using a Billion HFC PCI card on Trustix 2.0 running kernel 2.4.26.

We are running bri-stuff in production systems here in Europe. It is rock solid under RH9. I am also running it at home with 1 Billion and 2 Asustek cards in the one P400ish machine.. It has its quirks, as does Asterisk overall.
Perhaps your post should have read 'I am having difficulty getting bri-stuff to work. Can anyone please advise me on what I am doing wrong?'

As a side note, I feel that the bri-stuff is too brittle. For starters, it doesn't work with * 1.0RC2 and I've a feeling it won't work with 1.0 final as well. Perhaps the community has to coerce kapejod to get bri-stuff work with mainstream * versions? Just my $0.02.

As regards coercing kapejod, he doesn't need coercion! He has put a huge amount of effort getting his patches working on regular snapshots of Asterisk CVS HEAD. The reason he will not sign the disclaimer is for legal reasons relating to the disclaimer that Digium requires. If Digium dispensed with the disclaimer that basically says 'this is open source but we want the right to sell it if we want to' then I think Kapejod would have integrated his patches long ago. I suggest you hassle Digium on this one.

Now, if you rephrase your posting, perhaps we can help you get it working!


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