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On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 09:35, Martyn Russell wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 14:58, Steven Critchfield wrote:
> > On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 09:01, Martyn Russell wrote:
> > > Is there any way to know if the return code (-1) is a clear or channel
> > > failure?
> > 
> > Does it matter. If you receive a -1 you know the line is no longer
> > available and no other commands will be accepted. So all that is left
> > for your app is to clean itself up and exit.
> Absolutely!
> If the call has been cleared, we can ignore it, if the channel fails, we
> want to flag it up and report it.  Plus, why did the channel fail? It
> shouldn't, so again, even more reason to report it when it happens so we
> can investigate it.
> If, for example, the channel fails because the PRI has been pulled out
> of the back of the card, that is serious.  We need to know if it is
> serious or expected, and the user clearing in the middle of the call is
> expected.

This isn't something for the AGI to take care of. The AGI just needs to
know the call is gone. If you want notification that the PRI is down,
there are better solutions. If you are doing it in the AGI, you need to
have a call in progress when it fails to be notified. Proper
notification would be sitting outside of asterisk watching the driver
like the zttool does and watching for alarms. Getting notification out
of asterisk will then be able to warn you if asterisk fails and has
caused the line to go down. This is yet again another reason why the AGI
app is a bad place for line down notification since if asterisk dies, so
goes your ability to detect the down line or other conditions.
Steven Critchfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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