On Sat, 25 Sep 2004 12:41:03 -0400, Andrew Kohlsmith
> Fair enough, I saw that you'd written "tried every option" but a lot of people
> don't actually mean that.  :-)


> > Lines are provided by NTT. The driver (wcfxo.o) has been
> > built with "#define JAPAN" uncommented. Before the present 1.0
> > release, this has usually reduced false hangups.
> Hmm okay so it is a known bug then;

Not sure whether it would have been considered a bug before. If you
look in the wcfxo code, the JAPAN define seems to simply set some
values differently, ie offhook-debounce or whatever it's called.

> have you done any hunting around on the
> bugtracker or bothered a bug marshall?

I have put it on the bugtracker, but Mark has declared it resolved for
technicality reasons I don't fully understand, which is not to say
that I am criticising it. I was lucky enough to catch Mark on the chat
and we talked about how to approach this. He told me that 1.0 was a
snapshot of last Thursday's or Friday's CVS and that I should find out
exactly when between 20 Aug and 1.0 this broke. So I will have a bit
of testing to do over the next days.

> possibly where I'd expect to sit and hang for a while

I had hoped to use 1.0 for an upcoming customer deployment because I
thought it was a decendent of RC2 and there was a feature freeze, but
now that I know it's just a very recent CVS I am not so sure I can
dive in head over heels, so I will use the CVS of May 1st which has
proven to be rather stable and with no or few surprises.

But I'll dedicate a machine or two to 1.0 testing.

> > Fair enough. But then again, why not have an option that disables
> > hangup detection until a call actually goes to voicemail and leave it
> > disabled if it doesn't?!
> Becuase it's a workaround and doesn't actually address the problem?  In your
> case it might be a valid solution though; I wonder how hard it'd be to
> actually hack in?

Well, that's what I was wondering about. Workaround or not, if it
makes a huge difference for customers who would otherwise shun
Asterisk, then it shouldn't be too much of a religious concern.
Besides, I was suggesting this as an *option* that would by default be
disabled, so it wouldn't make any difference for those who have no
false hangups.

Anyway, we'll first have to find the culprit.


Sunrise Telephone Systems, 9F Shibuya Daikyo Bldg., 1-13-5 Shibuya,
Tokyo, Japan.

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