> Joe Greco [EMAIL PROTECTED] asked his mother to write:

Oh, brilliant.  You completely ignored a reasonable request to demonstrate
your position, instead supplying us with that imaginative attribution.

> > Kevin Walsh wrote:
> > > There's no point in continuing this "discussion" as you're clearly not
> > > a member of the FOSS community.  It seems that you're just here in a
> > > futile attempt to gather support for your out-dated development model.
> > >
> > [snipped: Some incoherent nonsense]

Incoherent nonsense.  Beautiful.  You should go work for one of the
parties on the current U.S. election.  Take something well-considered and 
just write it off as "incoherent nonsense."  Great technique when you have
no comeback.  Say it enough and people will believe.  At least the slow 
ones will.

There are two basic kinds of people in this world:

There are the kind that see everything as black and white, and have no 
mental flexibility to see other viewpoints.  These would include GPL 
advocates who simply cannot bring themselves to concede that there's any 
value to anything that isn't GPL'd, and that anyone who doesn't believe 
in the GPL in the same manner is somehow an inferior infidel who can't 
possibly be an open source advocate. 

Then there's the other kind, who realize that there are shades of grey, 
and really never any black or any white, and try to make the best of the
situation.  We understand the motivation behind the GPL, and in a perfect
world it's a neat idea, but we're out here working in the real world,
and some of us actually do have examples of situations where the GPL was
harmful to a GPL'd project.  These are, of course, written off by the
GPL advocates as "incoherent nonsense."

> Perhaps you didn't read my previous article.  I will not continue this
> "discussion" with you.  Your money-grubbing proprietary standpoint is
> clearly incompatible with my pro-FOSS position, and neither of our
> views are likely to change.  Well, my view won't change - perhaps
> yours will when you leave school.

Come back when /you've/ graduated.  I'm already a FreeBSD alumni.



> > > *plonk*
> >
> > Plonk yourself, retard.
> Haha.  Nice comeback - that must have taken you ages to think up.

I'm sorry if you misunderstood, that wasn't a comeback.  I consider a 
person who sees the world in such black and white to be developmentally
deficient.  I don't mind a good debate - never have.  I certainly have no
problem seeing advantages of the GPL in a lot of cases.  I'm just also
able to see that it isn't always the answer, a quality you seem to lack.

Now:  Are you even aware of the meaning of "*plonk*"?  

If so, why did you see my reply?  

For the non-USENET folks here, "*plonk*" is supposed to be an indication 
that the poster has been relegated to a kill file or other filter
mechanism...  replying to someone after you've "plonked" them is a great
way to scream "I'm a newbie and I have no idea what plonk means, but it
SOUNDS cool, look at me, I'm so cool!"

Geez.  Not.

So now that you've effectively conceded this debate by snipping any 
remaining thread of the discussion, let's just let it drop, eh.


... JG
Joe Greco - sol.net Network Services - Milwaukee, WI - http://www.sol.net
"We call it the 'one bite at the apple' rule. Give me one chance [and] then I
won't contact you again." - Direct Marketing Ass'n position on e-mail spam(CNN)
With 24 million small businesses in the US alone, that's way too many apples.
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