On Friday 22 October 2004 02:05 pm, Neil Cherry wrote:
> David Ishmael wrote:
> > I think my Netgear router will try to lease the same DHCP address to a
> > device based on MAC automatically each time the device queries for an
> > address (but I'm not 100% sure about that, never really watched it).  So
> > the problem is with the address changing?
> I can't infer that from the 2 examples as it may be some other
> problem with the DHCP implementation on the DHCP server. Though
> it may be a possibility.
> I like to have the stationary IP devices to have a permanent IP
> address. It just makes it easier to admin my local DNS (I have
> too many devices to remember all the IP addresses).

Hmmm. In my opinion DHCP is mostly a false time saver anyway. It's true you 
can just plug in a host and have it get an ip nice and easily.

But I prefer to know who's IP is on the wire with a minimum of fuss. I like to 
be able to notice that nnn is being involved far too often in that XYZ 
problem, or whatever. Plus it's one less service to maintain. Whenever I add 
a host I spend a little more time with configuring it but that's better than 
chasing leases as far as I'm concerned. Eases LAN maintenance a lot.

True, as an ISP I would use DHCP. It's quite suitable there as I would have 
more limited resources. But on a LAN it's hard to run out of IP's. It's kind 
of how windows got popular, thanks to the apparent easier way of doing 
things, and how lazy we all seem to be. 

Anyway, this is on th edge of the topic so I'll stop here.

Steve Szmidt

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
                                Benjamin Franklin
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