Anyways, found an unsecured wireless network going through my new townhouse
at 30% strength. Found the owner and they said I could share it for a couple
of weeks.

They have a Netgear, 108mbs 802.11 b/g. So I took a LinkSys WAP54g and put
it in Ethernet bridge mode, it took the signal and converted it to Ethernet
for me. I then plugged it into my Belkin 4 Wireless Router w/ 4 port switch.
So now I'm redistributing the connection in my townhouse. I plugged a Cisco
ATA-186 into the Belkin, but it's having problems registering with the
Asterisk server. I figured the double NAT was messing it up.  I'm getting
less than 1% packet loss to the internet, so the link is strong.

Cable Modem <-Ethernet-> Netgear Wireless Router <-----802.11-----> LinkSys
WAP54G <-Ethernet-> Belkin Router <-Ethernet-> Cisco ATA186.

I keep seeing sip registration failed requests on Asterisk. I checked and
double checked the passwords, its fine. I believe it's that the device gets
the UDP packets through to the Asterisk server fine, with the authentication
information or whatever; but when the Asterisk server tries to respond via
UDP, it doesn't make it through. So it fails.

You can eliminate the double NAT by disabling the DHCP server on the Belkin, changing its LAN IP to not conflict with anything on your neighbor's LAN, and plugging the WAP54G into a LAN port on the Belkin. Leave the Belkin's WAN port unconnected. The Belkin should now be acting as a switch and wireless access point; it won't be doing any routing. Your computers, if set up for automatic addressing, will get them by DHCP from the Netgear. You may want to give the ATA a static address so you can forward ports to it on the Netgear. That address, of course, should be in the subnet of your neighbor's LAN, but outside of the range assigned by DHCP.

Make sure that your neighbor's kids won't be hacking into your system ;)

Good luck,


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