Hello all,

I have 2 TDM400P in a P4 2.4Ghz system with 512MB ram. The motherboard is a
Intel D865GBF with the latest firmware/BIOS. I have 4 FXO modules on each of
the TDM400P cards. Also in the system is a Promise FastTrax 100TX2 Pro card
for IDE RAID 1. There are no other PCI cards in the system. The D865GBF MB
only really has a single PCI bust but and card on one of the six slots can
be a bustmaster card. So far Digium has been not very diagnostically helpful
and has sent me new cards to try to correct the problems, but the new cards
didn't help in any way.

We are using 5 channels of the available 8. We are using Pingtel SIP phones
and Budgetone SIP phones for handsets.

Here are my 2 problems that I can not get to go away:

1. At what seem to be random times there is a beeping noise generated
towards the remote end. The noise sounds like a tone that is generated if
the conversation is being recorded and this is upsetting our clients so I
really need to get this one fixed.

After reading about everything I could get my hands on I started moving the
cards around in the PCI slots. Almost every combination did not help. I have
also modified the PCI latency priorities to make the TDM400P cards the
highest in the system. I have ensured that there is nothing sharing the
IRQ's that the cards are using. I've monitored the system and it does appear
to be system usage dependant but doesn't seem to have anything to do with HD
activity. I'm at a loss.

2. Again, what seems to be a random pattern we get "phantom" calls on our
lines. What I mean by this is... The line will ring, Asterisk processes the
call as if it were a real incoming call. If someone answers the call you get
nothing but a dial tone. I've played with different FXO signallings
(Loopstart and Kewlstart are the only 2 that seems to even load) but I'm a
TDM idiot and I'm not sure what I should be using. (I'm in NYC Metro area -
so Verizon is LEC.) If I use Kewlstart I seem to get a lot more "phantom"
calls but the call processing on real calls is better. Meaning that
on-hook/off-hook detection seems better. If I use Loopstart, I do seem to
get less calls but when the remote caller hangs up the line just sits there
and Asterisk holds the Zap channel. It will eventually hangup but it is WAY
to long. Again, I'm at a loss.

Anyone think they can help me.



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