Ben Miller wrote:
Having a similar issue, I modified one of the zaptel tools to create a
program I call ztplay.  This simply opens a channel and plays audio it
gets on stdin or a file, or fifo.

It does not even require that asterisk is running and can run along side
asterisk as long as they are not both trying to use the same channel.
This would allow you to connect your TDM card directly into your phone

I use it in conjunction with mpg123 which streams audio to a fifo and
ztplay simply reads audio from the fifo and resides in memory.

I sent a copy to Mark a while back to include in the zaptel cvs if he
wanted, but I haven't noticed it there.

Contact me off list if you would like a copy of this.


I'm not the OP, but I would love a copy of this. I've got an overhead paging system that uses standard RJ12 connectors for its two input signals. This little app would allow me to eliminate the 'wiring hack' I've been running up to now. Plus it would allow me to remove the sound card from the * box, thus freeing up more resources for * to do it's thing.


Christopher L. Wade                     Unistar-Sparco Computers, Inc.
Senior Systems Administrator                            dba
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                             7089 Ryburn Drive
Phone: (901) 872 2272 / (800) 840 8400            Millington, TN 38053
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