Kevin wrote:
> There is a reboot script posted on the wiki to reboot Polycom 
> telephones.  When I execute this script, I get the following messages.
> I am concerned as this is causing issues with asterisk and the PRI.
> Does anyone have any ideas why this would be happening?
> asterisk console:
>     -- Remote UNIX connection
>     -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected
> and in the Asterisk Log:
> Nov 28 22:30:42 NOTICE[1099909936]: PRI got event: 6 on Primary 
> D-channel of span 1 Nov 28 22:43:08 NOTICE[1099909936]: PRI got event: 
> 6 on Primary D-channel of span 1
> Script:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use Net::Ping;
> use Socket;
> $polycompath = '/home/XXXX/';    # Where you keep your config files
> $arp         = '/sbin/arp';          # Location of arp command
> $sipserver   = '192.168.XXX.XXX';      # IP of asterisk server
> $phone = shift;
> checkphone("$phone");
> touch( arp2config("$phone") );
> reboot_sip_phone( "$phone", "$sipserver", "Reboot" );
> sub checkphone { # Checks for existence of phone, makes sure
>                  # it's in arp table
>     $activephone = shift;
>     # Populate ARP table
>     print "Checking ARP table.\n";
>     $p = Net::Ping->new("icmp");
>     if ( $p->ping( $activephone, 2 ) ) {
>         print "$activephone is ";
>         print "reachable.\n";
>     }
>     else { die "Polycom at ", $activephone, " is not reachable!"; }
>     sleep(1);
>     $p->close();
> }
> sub arp2config {    # Gets mac address from arp table, converts
>                     # to a polycom config filename, makes sure
>                     # the config file exists
>     $arpip = shift;
>     open( ARP, "$arp -an|" ) || die "Couldn't open arp table: $!\n";
>     print "checking for polycom config name...", "\n";
>     while (<ARP>) {
>         chomp;
>         $addr = $_;
>         $ip   = $_;
>         $addr =~ s/.*
> ([\d\w]+:[\d\w]+:[\d\w]+:[\d\w]+:[\d\w]+:[\d\w]+).*/$1/;
>         $addr =~ s/://g;
>         $addr = lc($addr) . '.cfg';
>         $ip =~ s/.*?(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*/$1/;
>         if ( $ip eq $arpip ) {
>             last;
>         }
>     }
>     $polycomconfig = "$polycompath" . "$addr";
>     unless ( -e "$polycomconfig" ) {
>         print "sorry, polycom config file ", "$polycomconfig",
>           " is not found.\n\n";
>         exit;
>     }
>     return $polycomconfig;
> }
> sub touch {    # We need to touch the config files or the phone
>                # won't reboot - it depends on time synchronization
>     print "touching config file ", $polycomconfig, "\n";
>     my $now = time;
>     local (*TMP);
>     foreach my $file (@_) {
>         utime( $now, $now, $file )
>           || open( TMP, ">>$file" )
>           || die ("$0: Couldn't touch file: $!\n");
>     }
> }
> sub reboot_sip_phone {    # Send the phone a check-sync to reboot it
>     $phone_ip = shift;
>     $local_ip = shift;
>     $sip_to   = shift;
>     $sip_from = "0";
>     $tm       = time();
>     $call_id  = $tm . "msgto$sip_to";
>     $httptime = `date -R`;
>     $MESG     = "NOTIFY sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5060 SIP/2.0
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP $local_ip
> From: <sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Event: check-sync
> Date: $httptime
> CSeq: 1300 NOTIFY
> Contact: <sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Content-Length: 0
> ";
>     $proto = getprotobyname('udp');
>     socket( SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, $proto );
>     $iaddr = inet_aton("$phone_ip");
>     $paddr = sockaddr_in( 5060, $iaddr );
>     bind( SOCKET, $paddr );
>     $port = 5060;
>     $hisiaddr = inet_aton($phone_ip);
>     $hispaddr = sockaddr_in( $port, $hisiaddr );
>     if ( send( SOCKET, $MESG, 0, $hispaddr ) ) {
>         print "reboot of phone ", "$phone_ip", " was successful", "\n";
>     }
>     else { print "reboot of phone ", "$phone_ip", " failed", "\n"; }
> }
> exit;
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Kevin -

I rewrote this some time ago because of some issues with Polycom's latest
bootroom/sip update.  Try this:

Also, serctl, part of the ser package, has a cisco_restart parameter that
works on Polycoms as well.


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use Net::Ping;
use Socket;

$polycompath = '/home/PlcmSpIp/';    # Where you keep your polycom files
$arp         = '/sbin/arp';          # Location of arp command
$sipserver   = '192.168.XXX.XXX';      # IP of asterisk server

$phone = shift;

touch( arp2config("$phone") );

reboot_sip_phone( "$phone", "$sipserver", get_extension($phone) );

sub checkphone {                     # Checks for existence of phone, 
makes sure
         # it's in arp table
     $activephone = shift;

     # Populate ARP table
     print "Checking ARP table.\n";
     $p = Net::Ping->new("icmp");
     if ( $p->ping( $activephone, 2 ) ) {
         print "$activephone is ";
         print "reachable.\n";
     else { die "Polycom at ", $activephone, " is not reachable!"; }


sub arp2config {    # Gets mac address from arp table, converts
                     # to a polycom config filename, makes sure
                     # the config file exists
     $arpip = shift;
     open( ARP, "$arp -an|" ) || die "Couldn't open arp table: $!\n";
     print "checking for polycom config name...", "\n";
     while (<ARP>) {
         $addr = $_;
         $ip   = $_;
         $addr =~ s/.*
         $addr =~ s/://g;
         $addr = lc($addr) . '.cfg';
         $ip =~ s/.*?(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+).*/$1/;
         if ( $ip eq $arpip ) {

     $polycomconfig = "$polycompath" . "$addr";

     unless ( -e "$polycomconfig" ) {
         print "sorry, polycom config file ", "$polycomconfig",
           " is not found.\n\n";

     return $polycomconfig;

sub get_extension {  # This returns the extension of the Sip
                     # phone IP address

     my @sippeers = `asterisk -rx \'sip show peers\'`;

     foreach $testline (@sippeers) {
         if ( $testline =~ m{\s+(.*?)\/.*$_[0].*}i ) {
             $extension = $1;
     return $extension;

sub touch {    # We need to touch the config files or the phone
                # won't reboot - it depends on time synchronization

     print "touching config file ", $polycomconfig, "\n";
     my $now = time;
     local (*TMP);
     foreach my $file (@_) {
         utime( $now, $now, $file )
           || open( TMP, ">>$file" )
           || die ("$0: Couldn't touch file: $!\n");

sub reboot_sip_phone {    # Send the phone a check-sync to reboot it
     $phone_ip = shift;

     $local_ip = shift;
     $sip_to   = shift;
     $sip_from = "asterisk";
     $tm       = time();
     $call_id  = $tm . "msgto$sip_to";
     $httptime = `date -R`;
     $MESG     = "NOTIFY sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5060 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP $local_ip
Event: check-sync
Date: $httptime
CSeq: 1300 NOTIFY
Contact: <sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Length: 0


     $proto = getprotobyname('udp');
     socket( SOCKET, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, $proto );
     $iaddr = inet_aton("$phone_ip");
     $paddr = sockaddr_in( 5060, $iaddr );
     bind( SOCKET, $paddr );
     $port = 5060;

     $hisiaddr = inet_aton($phone_ip);
     $hispaddr = sockaddr_in( $port, $hisiaddr );

     if ( send( SOCKET, $MESG, 0, $hispaddr ) ) {
         print "reboot of phone ", "$phone_ip", " was successful", "\n";
     else { print "reboot of phone ", "$phone_ip", " failed", "\n"; }



Has anyone written an equivalent script for Cisco 79XX phones?

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