On 04/12/2004 00:00 Andrew Kohlsmith said the following:
On December 3, 2004 10:33 am, Garry Taylor wrote:

Ouch, part reset, quickly restoring reality (0)
Power alarm on module 1, resetting!

I have looked though a lot of email on this issue, and no one seems to have
the answer.

How many people are seeing this on a TDM400 card?

I would imagine practically everyone.

i've seen this messages so many times that it isn't funny anymore. the "Ouch, part reset..." bits will happen inifinitely and seem to indicate that a module on the TDM400 goes out, and never comes back. an unload/reload of the driver /always/ fixes it.

the "power alarm" messages happen sometimes, and as long as it is cumulatively less than MAX_ALARMS (defined as 10 in the driver), it resets itself. however, the moment MAX_ALARMS is reached, it doesnt reset and the line feed is kept in the OPEN state leaving no dialtone for the handset.

i've debugged the driver well enough and know that the Ouch message happens when register 0x08 of the module returns >0, which indicates in most times that digital loopback is enabled on the card. this register is set to /disable/ digital loopback upon an init.

the power alarm happens when the line feed (hookstate) of the module is not in sync with a driver variable which tracks hookstate. the resetting bit you see is just informational to let you know that the driver is setting the on-module registers back to what the internal variable says it should be.

however, as power alarms are counted, and as they reach MAX_ALARMS (10), this reset is not longer performed, leaving the module's register (and attached handset) in a line open state rendering it out of service. power alarms for each module are decreased at the rate of 1 every 10 seconds, so if you have 4 power alarms, in 40 seconds the counter is set back to 0. however, if you get more than 10 power alarms in any 100 second period, you'd get the "Too many power alarms on card 1, NOT resetting!" message and the module will be inoperational.

Does anyone have a "REAL" answer to it.

No. Several of us have brought this up with Digium, and Digium seems awful tight-lipped. They ssh into the system and poke around a bit and nothing seems to move forward.

i can explain what the driver does when these things happen, however, i'm thinking that it's more of a hardware issue than anything else. based on my (admittedly limited) reading of the Tiger320 ProSLIC datasheet, the registers mentioned shouldnt go awry, yet they do.

Regards,                           /\_/\   "All dogs go to heaven."
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| for a in past present future; do                                        |
|   for b in clients employers associates relatives neighbours pets; do   |
|   echo "The opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my $a $b."  |
| done; done                                                              |
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