> >Steven,
> >
> >Just a quick reminder, MS SQL on Windows is hands down the best
> >performing transact SQL database on the planet, and Oracle on Windows
> >a close #2. Some might argue that Oracle is #1 and MS is #2. Anyone
> >argues any Linux SQL db even comes close in performance better
> >some evidence to back their argument.
> >
> I think I would cite Oracle. They say their database runs much better
> Linux than on Windows. If Oracle on Windows is arguably better than MS
> SQL, Oracle on linux must be a hands down winner.

Actually, Oracle just posted a claim that they are the world record
holder, but they did so using 12 AMD Opterons, interestingly enough the
last time they boasted about performance it was on Intel CPUs. Maybe it
is AMD that is the real winner...


> The last time I used MS SQL was about 5 years ago, but it was hands
> the biggest heap of crap in the database world back then. I guess it
> improved, but if you think its the best out there I guess you haven't
> tried very much stuff.

5 years ago, must have been SQL 6.5 or 7.0, and yes, it has improved, in
fact for a number of years SQL 2000 was 2x faster than Oracle on any

> > The asp.net SQL database providers
> >for MS SQL and Oracle SQL are highly optimized direct socket
> >to the SQL server. (no odbc crap!)
> >
> I think you've been drinking the Koolade.
Actually, I prefer scotch, but then again, I am the one that defends
windows, so what do I know. Maybe SAP, PeopleSoft, Siebel, and most
other Enterprise software vendors are drunken idiots too. I make a
living implementing these solutions, and I would love to see a Linux
alternative, but to date it does not exist. Oracle on Linux is nice, but
sure is a bitch integrating the security with Windows desktops.
Now that we are completely off topic, lets get back to what this was
about in the first place, The person that started this thread was asking
about the possibility of using ASP.net/SQL as a front end to *. Very
possible, and an added benefit would be you might be able to use a
single database for your user interface, accounting, * and SER configs,
marketing, billing, etc since MS SQL is supported by more applications
than any other database on earth.

This is the direction we are moving towards, and it does look promising.

Any suggestions for a Linux based accounting and CRM package?

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