I corresponded with Voicetronix around Christmas last year. Jim, there
is a dealer in Ottawa although I got better answers from emails to Aus.

There are two things that they don't do that the Zap cards do:
Distinctive Ring Detection and fax detection.

They went out of their way to say they were "customer driven" and
features get in because customers ask. The gentleman made a claim of
effort to get fax detection to work which sounded like it was a
no-brainer in their code. If it is easy as claimed, I would expect to
see it appear just because I enquired.

I am particularly interested in the Dist Ring Detection however for they
make cheap DID's for low volume like home offices, dedicated voicemail
numbers, etc.

David Cook

> From: "Jim Van Meggelen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Users] A bit of a survey: What do do   if
>       youneedmorethan4C.O. lines
> To: "'Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion'"
>       <asterisk-users@lists.digium.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain;     charset="windows-1250"
> >>> I haven't followed this thread closely but have you looked into
> the
> >>> Voicetronix OpenSwitch cards?
> >>>
> >>> http://www.voicetronix.com.au/hda.htm
> >>
> >>
> >> I've looked at them, but never heard much about them. Is anyone
> using
> >> them? Can anyone give a comparison vs. the TDM400?
> >
> > I'm using a Voicetronix OpenLine4, and it works well under
> asterisk.
> > Initially I had some echo problems, but Voicetronix support
> > is excellent and
> > solved them (I've just updated the wiki with the bal# values
> > they gave me).
> >
> > I can't compare it to the TDM400, not having used one, but
> > you can use
> > multiple Voicetronix OpenSwitch 6 and 12 cards in one system
> > without the
> > interrupt problem of the TDM400.
> That sounds like the ticket, then.
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