Doe anyone have Caller ID name working on incoming calls with the following setup:

cisco 2611XM recieving calls on a PRI.
cisco talks SIP to the asterisk box.
Phones (cisco 7940s) talk SIP to asterisk.

I currently have verified the cisco router is receiving caller ID name from the ILEC, and it appears to be sending it to the asterisk. But, it looks like it comes in after the call, and * doesn't know what to do with it. A sample from the * console:

-- Executing Goto("SIP/", "cvb|7572721122|1") in new stack
-- Goto (cvb,7572721122,1)
-- Executing VoiceMail("SIP/", "[EMAIL PROTECTED]") in new stack
-- Playing 'vm-intro' (language 'en')
Mar 17 13:27:15 WARNING[196620]: chan_sip.c:6116 receive_info: Unable to parse INFO message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] Content

Note i only started getting the above INFO msg error after i upgraded my cisco IOS to recognize the incoming caller ID name info (before i douln;t see the caller ID name at all), so i suspect thats how its notifying the * box. Any suggestions?

- jeremy

Jeremy Hinton                     A little nonsense
Senior Network Manager               now and then
Continental VisiNet Broadband       is relished by
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        the wisest men
757 873 4500
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