David Brodbeck wrote:

This Postgres vs. MySQL business is ultimately just a religious debate, like
PC vs. Mac, Ford vs. Chevy, or Kirk vs. Picard.

With all due respect I disagree. It is much more like a public policy debate. There are those of us in any of the Oracle, DB2, or PostgreSQL camps who feel like the RDBMS should be responsible for maintaining data integrity, because we value our data. The fact that I don't have a use for MySQL does not withstand everything else I say here.

FWIW, I don't consider MySQL to be an RDBMS. I consider it to be a RDBSS (Relational Database Storage System). It does not adequately provide features to Manage (i.e. the M in RDBMS) or Present your data to make it worthwhile where one needs an RDBMS. That being said, it works well for certain types of applications which don't need these features nor worry as much about data integrity as an accountant might.

This is why, in the end, what you want to do with your data will determine your choice. However, of the Free DB's, PostgreSQL will give you the most growth potential, while MySQL may give you the most ready-to-use-apps. This last comment is entirely on-topic because it asks back:
What are your ultimate plans for the data? Only then can you make a reasonable choice.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers
fn:Chris Travers
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