Me wrote:

OK, been messing with RealTime like a week off and on, I can safely say it's killing me!

I have dug and dug and dug to find what I am missing, no dice.

I am running the latest version of * from CVS as of about a week ago.

Call comes in from a PRI into the todd_test_1 extension, if I uncomment the lines for the _888 number directly in the extensions.conf file the call is answered without a problem. If I comment the lines and just leave the "switch" in place it's suppose to lookup the extensions from the mysql table from what I understand.

All I get when calling in from the PRI is this:
-- Extension '8885551212' in context 'todd_test_1' from '2145551212' does not exist. Rejecting call on channel 0/1, span 1

It appears that the switch command is totally being ignored. I also checked the MySQL logs to see if Asterisk/RealTime was even hitting it but I see nothing in the MySQL logs at all that would indicate Asterisk is talking to it.

My phone numbers/passwords etc. have been changed but most everything else in my configs are as is. Any help would be appreciated, I am sure I am just missing something really simple and I am gonna smack myself in the head when it's brought to my attention.

#######   extensions.conf    #########


switch => Realtime/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

shouldn't it be Realtime/[EMAIL PROTECTED]



include => todd_test_2


switch => Realtime/[EMAIL PROTECTED]


BTW, the numbering of the priorities should increase:




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