I'm sure this has been debated before, I'd like to get peoples input. I see
the hard drive as the single most likely point of failure on an * PBX. How
reasonable would it be to run the OS and config files from a CF card, mount
the /var/partition on a hard drive for the CDR recortds, logs and databases,
and do some kind of test on bootup that would turn off those features if the
hard drive was unavailable (failed)?

I am messing around with a firewall that mounts from a cf card, it got me
thinking about asterisk from a cf card, as there would be little chance of

Other than that, what have you done to ensure reliability. I am planning a
RAID1 hard drive install for my serious pbx customers, in my experience that
makes for a very reliable machine.

Chris Mason
(264) 497-5670 Fax: (264) 497-8463
Int:  (646)722-0001 Fax: (815)301-9759 
Skype ID: netconcepts

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