On Sun, 08 May 2005 10:48:04 -0700, Bryce W Nesbitt wrote:

>>I started out happy as a clam with my new Broadvoice account and 
>>asterisk machine.  About 10 days ago things began to change....
>>Who's happy with their voip service using asterisk?
>>Where do you get reliable DIDs? 
>>The 'carrier partner' they speak of.. can you get the did directly from 
>>Are all the voip providers this flakey?
>I've tried 5 providers, and I can't say that I'm happy with any of them.  I'm 
>far to small to deal with 'carrier partners' directly (e.g. Level 3, XO or 
>RNK).  So I have to deal through resellers.  And they all seem to be operating 
>on shoestrings and duct tape.
>I'm OK with the awkward setup, confusing configuration, and (for Asterisk) all 
>but useless documentation.  But high latency, dropouts, unplanned outages, 
>lack of clues, echos, all take the shine off things.  With Asterisk I have 
>very few tools to monitor connection quality, especially on the outbound leg 
>of my calls.  I at least want to know when it sucks, and have some control 
>over parameters.
>I keep a POTS line at home.

I started out a year and half ago using VoicePulse Connect as I much
preffer using IAX based providers. They were good for a while but had a
month of more of problems in mid-2004 and never offered DIDs in my

Then I signed up with Nufone. Again, no local DIDs but very reliable

Next I added a Clearpath account with an 800 number. While not heavily
used this has been 100% reliable. It was a beast to get established
since the folks at Clearpath can be difficult to reach.

Then I added a Voipjet.com account for outbound calling. Had a little
trouble now and again as they were a startup at the time. However their
rates are great and service has been 97% reliable.

I added a Sixtel.net account when they offered DIDs in my area. Their
service has been ok...not a reliable as voipjet or nufone...but ok.
their service people have been responsive when I've called.

Since all of these providers are prepaid services I never close an
account. I modify my dialplan to cascade from one to another in the
event that there is a network outtage.

I too keep one analog line in my home office as my primary inbound
number. However, in the coming week I installing a new * server and
hope to remove the TDM card in the porcess. I'm starting out by call
forwarding my SBC line to a Sixtel DID. If that works out over time
then  I may transition  to a wholly IP based system....or not if having
the analog line remains a necessary backup.


Michael Graves                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sr. Product Specialist                          www.pixelpower.com
Pixel Power Inc.                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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