mån 2005-05-09 klockan 15.28 skrev Mark Wormgoor:
> Hi,
> >> Is it possible to set a variable for a context for all extensions?  I
> >> haven't been able to find it.
> >
> > Try looking up the application "SetVar":
... snip  ...
> > [Description]:
> >    Setvar(#n=value): Sets channel specific variable n to value
> But how do I link SetVar() to all extensions in a config?
> If I use exten => _.,1,SetVar() it will never continue on exten =>
> 1234,1,Dial or exten => 1234,2,Dial.

Not certain about this but couldn't this work:
exten => _.,1,SetVar()
exten => _.,2,Goto(${EXTEN},1)

exten => 1234,1,Dial()

        Markus Hakansson

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