On Thu, 19 May 2005 18:11:47 -0700, Tyler Spivey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>My problem is this. I am connected via fwd's iax protocol. I try to call
>the echo test, sometimes I get an answer, sometimes not. When I do,
>sound is about one second lagged - I still hear the ring about a second
>after I get the answering on console message, and the echo test takes
>about a second or second and a half to get back the answer. When I use
>asterisk with dmix and dsnoop, calling just produces the "killed."
>message, and asterisk exits. I'm just looking for a good quality
>softphone for the console. Linphone doesn't seem to work properly, and
>is kludgy. Can someone help me fix my alsa setup or the alsa driver? I'm
>using asterisk CVS.

You could probably use the tkphone that comes with iaxclient.  ISTR that it runs
in the background, and uses a tcl interface to control it.

I would think that you could control it from the console.

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