Darren Wiebe wrote:

Replies are inline.

Thanks! I am sure we will solve it ;-)

Below is the source code of the web page of astcc-admin.cgi

<body><table align=center width=100%>
  <tr><td><img src="/_astcc/astcc.png"></td><td align=center><font face=verdana,helvetica size=5>Asterisk&trade; Calling Card Admin: 
<b>Cards</b></font><br><font face=verdana,helvetica color=#444444>&nbsp;</font></td></tr>   <tr><td height=350 valign=top><table 
bgcolor=#777777 cellpadding=4 width=100>
<tr><td bgcolor="#ccccff"><font face=verdana,helvetica color="#999999">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
<tr><td bgcolor="#ccccff"><font face=verdana,helvetica color="#999999">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
<tr><td bgcolor="#ff8800"><font face=verdana,helvetica color="#ffffff">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 

<tr><td bgcolor="#ccccff"><font face=verdana,helvetica color="#999999">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
<tr><td bgcolor="#ccccff"><font face=verdana,helvetica color="#999999">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
<tr><td bgcolor="#ccccff"><font face=verdana,helvetica color="#999999">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
<tr><td bgcolor="#ccccff"><font face=verdana,helvetica color="#999999">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
<tr><td bgcolor="#ccccff"><font face=verdana,helvetica color="#999999">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
<tr><td bgcolor="#ccccff"><font face=verdana,helvetica color="#999999">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a 
</td><td valign=top width=90% align=center><font face=verdana,helvetica><table><tr><td><form 
method="post" action="//cgi-bin/astcc-admin/astcc-admin.cgi?mode=Cards" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">

Above you can see that the lines of the buttons have
<a href="?mode=Configure">Configure</a>

but the line for the form

<form method="post" action="//cgi-bin/astcc-admin/astcc-admin.cgi?mode=Cards"

And here is the problem!
First refer is to the current web site, while the last one points to the web site "cgi-bin"

That might still work out fine, if you use this web site as your regular and only website on your server. However, I do not use this IP based location. All my web site are setup as a virtual domain!! That means, if you point your web browser to the IP address of the server, you will get not found page!!!

Therefore the Makefile misses the URL, but uses the HTTPDIR
#HTTPDIR=$(shell if [ -d /var/www ]; then echo "/var/www"; else echo "/home/httpd"; fi)
which I had to replace with the right path of my virtual host:

Unfortunately my knowledge about perl (use CGI qw/:standard/) is not enough to find out, how to set the missing parameter!!!!
And without it, I cannot execute the form statement!!!!

Any ideas?

A permission problem I do not see, but I wonder why my configuration files misses a part of your stated parts.



Ronald Wiplinger wrote:

Darren Wiebe wrote:

The new version has an "update database" button. Install over your old version and then press the update-database button in 'configure'. This worked for me but... I think the default is not to use pins but it is very easy to set yourself.

Unfortunately my case is not that easy!!!
My motherboard of the machine, where Asterisk and ASTCC was installed is broken. I had copied (fortunately) the database to a database server, but that is all!!
I do not have the config files as they have been on the old machine.
I do not know what the config files should be.
How can I create the config files and make sure that I don't loose the database?

I would recommend making a copy of the database but I don't think there is anything in ASTCC that would be destructive to the database.

When I use just save and than go to ASTCC cgi. than I can see the routes, the brand names. However, if I go to the cards, and try to list the cards, than I come to http://cgi-bin/....

... which is translated automatically in my browser to: http://www.unhcr.ch/cgi-bin/texis/vtx/home !!!!

I cannot find where it is set to my web domainname

There is not a place to set the domainname as it is not used. This sounds like a strange problem. I would reinstall it from CVS.

Also with save not all parameters are saved !!!! (mostlikely there is my problem)

That is almost certainly a permissions issue. I've run into lots of issues exactly like that with ASTPP and ASTCC. So far it has always been that apache did not have permission to write to the file.

I do not use the SIP/IAXfriends.
It created only one config file with save:

cat /var/lib/astcc/astcc-config.conf
; Automatically created by astcc-admin.cgi.
friendsdb = NO
dbuser = user
dbhost =
dbname = astcc2005
cardlength = 12
; Automatically created by astcc-admin.cgi. =
startingdigit = 100000000000

I don't know if this is the actual line but I certainly would not recommend leaving it like that. Only the first digit should be in this line.

dbpass = passwd
emailadd = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
mailprog = sendmail
email = YES
; =

BTW, the Makefile still misses the astcc-user.cgi to move to the web.

Any detail hints welcome ;-)
(like a working config file, ...)

Here is my working file with the passwords and hosts changed.
; Automatically created by astcc-admin.cgi.
maintcdr = YES
emailadd = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
dbname = astcc
cardlength = 6
email = YES
startingdigit = 8
dbuser = root
debug = YES
friendsdb = NO
pinlength = 4
; =
maintverbose = YES
maintname = Maintenance Fee
dbhost = host.company.abc
dbpass = abcdefg123
mailprog = /bin/mail
; Automatically created by astcc-admin.cgi. =
pinstatus = NO

Hope This Helps,

Darren Wiebe



Darren Wiebe

Ronald Wiplinger wrote:

Darren Wiebe wrote:

I'm not sure, check the bug tracker. However, regarding the PIN question.... In the configure sheet there is an option that says "Require Pins (Yes/NO)". Set that at "NO" if you do not wish to use pins. They will be generated but will not be required.

Ok, I try the question with different words ;-)  :

How to upgrade from the previous version?
Is the default NO for pins?
How to change the database from old to new? (I guess only the require pin has changed)



Darren Wiebe

Ronald Wiplinger wrote:

What has been changed at the ASTCC from the previous head to the current one?

How to use the PIN? Can I avoid it?

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