> > next month and tell hoe much cell phone costs you.
> The point I was making is that the charges are NOT on _My_ cell phone bill,

Why is it that if you pay 10 times as much to call a cell phone you
consider it NOT part of your cell phone bill? Don't you see how they
succeeded in making you believe that your cell phone is cheaper? I
told you that none Amercians might not understand this. :)

> when I don't originate the call, however in .us if you get called, you pay,
> that can easily cost you a heap of money that you can only control by
> switching the phone off, and where is the point in that?

Really?? cost you a heap of money? only by swithcing the phone off?
what ever happened to not picking up? what about unlimited nights and
weekends completely free that most providers give you here. What about
the fact that even when you do pay for the incoming it costs around
$.05 a minute? I think I said enough.

> So if I rec'v 500 calls a week on my cell phone, it still costs me nothing.

Wrong, because your provider succeeded in convincing your freind to
make the same calculation, so when you have to call your friend you
then pay 10 times as much than to a regular phone.

> And in some cases if I have the Cell and the Landline from the same telco
> (in .au), calls between them are free too, regardless of where I happen to
> be in australia at the time.

So this we will take out of the argument since most American providers
don't charge in network either.

> Oh, and cucumber seem to be doing you no favours either....
> I can place a call to the US using my Cell phone for 1-2c/minute, <shrug>
> Caviat Emptor?

Actualy you are right about this one, didn't realize they changed the
rates to au, it used to be $.039 a minute. Thanks for pointing this
out. In any case I know that Australia has now very good rates to call
UK and the states, but that is only as far as LD goes.
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