Denis Galvão

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Asterisk Development Team <asteriskteam em digium.com>
> Date: 17 de novembro de 2005 3h49min18s GMT-02:00
> To: asterisk-users em lists.digium.com
> Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk 1.2 Released!
> Reply-To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion  
> <asterisk-users em lists.digium.com>
> We are proud to announce that Asterisk 1.2.0 has been released!
> This release of Asterisk contains over 3,000 improvements on version
> 1.0, including hundreds of new features and applications.
> It is available from the ftp.digium.com FTP servers, as well as the
> Digium CVS servers (under the 'v1-2-0' tag).
> We want to extend our thanks to all the community members whose
> contributions have made this release possible; without their coding,
> support, testing and other involvement we would not have achieved this
> milestone!
> Mark Spencer and Kevin P. Fleming
> (Note: for a short time, a tarball of Asterisk 1.2.0 was present on  
> the
> FTP servers with a build problem related to the chan_modem drivers;  
> this
> has been corrected, and if you downloaded the new version before
> receiving this announcement, please re-download to ensure you have the
> proper version.)
> _______________________________________________
> --Bandwidth and Colocation sponsored by Easynews.com --
> Asterisk-Users mailing list
> Asterisk-Users em lists.digium.com
> http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users
> To UNSUBSCRIBE or update options visit:
>   http://lists.digium.com/mailman/listinfo/asterisk-users

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