Rodrigo Santos de Souza wrote: > Quando faço uma ligação para algum cliente sip remoto e este retorna "Busy > Here" (ocupado) o meu telefone (ligado a uma central que está interligada ao > asterisk atravez E1/casr2) fica mudo. Como faço para que ele retorne tom de > ocupado?
Tenta colocar o valor "2" (play disconnect tone) no options na configuração do unicall.conf: <varient>,<maximum ANI digits>,<maximum DNIS digits>,<options> Exemplo: protocolvariant=br,17,4,2 Do Readme da libmfcr2: The fourth parameter is composed of bits, which must be OR'ed together, as follows: 1: Play progress tones. These are usually handled by the far end switch, but may need to be sent as audio through the channel on some systems. 2: Play disconnect tone. The disconnect tone is usually handled by the far end switch, but may need to be sent as audio through the channel on some systems. 4: Play ringback tone. The ringback tone is usually generated by something downstream of the MFC/R2 software, but may need to be generated here on some systems. 8: Get ANI after DNIS. The usual behaviour for incoming calls is to get the calling party category and the ANI as soon as possible, and to get the DNIS afterwards. This doesn't work on all systems, so the option to reverse the behaviour is provided. 16: Use immediate accept. Most variants of MFC/R2 offer a way to go directly to the call accepted state, bypassing the use of group B and II tones. This option enables the use of that feature for incoming calls. T+, Leonardo