Bom dia,


segue abaixo o log de uma ligacao que nao teve o "merge" dos arquivos in e out. No log, apos o hangup nao tem registro de execucao do soxmix pelo asterisk. Segue log:

Aug 1 12:09:56 VERBOSE[31471] logger.c: -- Goto (from-internal,0123488117466,12)
Aug  1 12:09:56 DEBUG[31471] pbx.c: Function result is '6779'
Aug 1 12:09:56 VERBOSE[31471] logger.c: -- Executing SetVar("SIP/6779-082ce9d0", "MONITOR_FILENAME=/gravacoes/sainte-NumDestino-0123488117
466-Usuario-6779-Data-20080801-120956-NumRamalOrigem-6779") in new stack
Aug 1 12:09:56 VERBOSE[31471] logger.c: -- Executing Monitor("SIP/6779-082ce9d0", "wav|/gravacoes/sainte-NumDestino-0123488117466-Usuario-
6779-Data-20080801-120956-NumRamalOrigem-6779") in new stack
Aug 1 12:09:56 VERBOSE[31471] logger.c: -- Executing Dial("SIP/6779-082ce9d0", "Unicall/g1/0123488117466||r") in new stack Aug 1 12:09:56 DEBUG[31471] chan_unicall.c: unicall_call called - 'g1/0123488117466'
Aug  1 12:09:56 DEBUG[31471] chan_unicall.c: unicall_call caller id - '6779'
Aug  1 12:09:56 VERBOSE[31471] logger.c:     -- Called g1/0123488117466
Aug  1 12:09:56 WARNING[31471] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/1 event Dialing
Aug  1 12:09:56 DEBUG[31471] chan_unicall.c: Exception on 13, channel 1
Aug  1 12:09:57 VERBOSE[21344] logger.c:     -- Remote UNIX connection
Aug 1 12:09:57 VERBOSE[31479] logger.c: -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected
Aug  1 12:09:57 DEBUG[28945] chan_unicall.c: Exception on 53, channel 43
Aug 1 12:09:57 WARNING[28945] chan_unicall.c: Unicall/43 event Far end disconnected Aug 1 12:09:57 WARNING[28945] chan_unicall.c: CRN 32791 - far disconnected cause=Normal Clearing [16]
Aug  1 12:09:57 VERBOSE[28945] logger.c:     -- Channel 0 got hangup
Aug 1 12:09:57 DEBUG[28945] channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel: UniCall/43-1 Aug 1 12:09:57 DEBUG[28945] channel.c: Bridge stops bridging channels UniCall/43-1 and SIP/ Aug 1 12:09:57 DEBUG[28945] chan_sip.c: update_call_counter(4423#553735513996) - decrement call limit counter
Aug  1 12:09:57 DEBUG[28945] app_dial.c: Exiting with DIALSTATUS=ANSWER.
Aug 1 12:09:57 VERBOSE[28945] logger.c: == Spawn extension (from-pabx, 0123735513996, 10) exited non-zero on 'UniCall/43-1' Aug 1 12:09:57 VERBOSE[28945] logger.c: -- Executing Hangup("UniCall/43-1", "") in new stack Aug 1 12:09:57 VERBOSE[28945] logger.c: == Spawn extension (from-pabx, h, 1) exited non-zero on 'UniCall/43-1' Aug 1 12:09:57 DEBUG[28945] cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: inserting a CDR record. Aug 1 12:09:57 DEBUG[28945] cdr_addon_mysql.c: cdr_mysql: SQL command as follows: INSERT INTO cdr (calldate,clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,dstc hannel,lastapp,lastdata,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,accountcode) VALUES ('2008-08-01 12:08:07','32306728','32306728','0123735513996', 'from-pabx', 'UniCall/43-1','SIP/','Hangup','',110,98,'ANSWERED',3,'')

Everton Goularth

Everton Goularth wrote:
Obrigado pela atencao Shazaum,

eu nao tenho um log disponivel aqui de uma dessas ligacoes, mas vou monitorar hoje para conseguir um. Quanto a versao do soxmix, a que estou utilizando e 12.18.1

Everton Goularth

Shazaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

quando eu passei por isso era pela versao do sox...

mas creio que a sua situação nao venha a ser isso,
você tem log de alguma ligação que nao tenha mixado?

Compre uma camiseta da!

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