
Estou tendo problemas para instalar o monast, já dei uma olhada no arquivo 
INSTALL mas achei ele muito vago, fiz algumas configurações e estou tendo o 
erro mencionado abaixo, estou postando tambem meu monast.conf e manager.conf.
Minha versão de asterisk é:
Se alguem tiver algum tutorial ou dica para me ajudar agradeço.

Erro do monast

[Mon Nov 23 00:22:28 2009] NOTICE   :: AsteriskManager.close :: Finishing...
[Mon Nov 23 00:22:28 2009] NOTICE   :: AsteriskManager.logoff :: Logging off...
[Mon Nov 23 00:22:30 2009] NOTICE   :: AsteriskManager.disconnect :: Closing 
connection to
[Mon Nov 23 00:22:31 2009] NOTICE   :: Monast :: Finished...
debian:/var/www/monast-1.4/pymon# ./
[Mon Nov 23 00:22:54 2009] NOTICE   :: MonAst :: Initializing...
[Mon Nov 23 00:22:54 2009] NOTICE   :: MonAst.parseConfig :: Parsing config
[Mon Nov 23 00:22:54 2009] NOTICE   :: AsteriskManager :: Initializing...
[Mon Nov 23 00:22:55 2009] NOTICE   :: AsteriskManager.connect :: Trying to 
connect to
[Mon Nov 23 00:22:55 2009] NOTICE   :: AsteriskManager.login :: Logging in...
[Mon Nov 23 00:22:55 2009] NOTICE   :: AsteriskManager.threadRecvQueue :: 
Authentication accepted
[Mon Nov 23 00:22:55 2009] ERROR    :: AsteriskManager.threadRecvQueue :: 
Unhandled Exception in ActionHandler for ActionID ID.000002

>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/var/www/monast-1.4/pymon/amapi/", line 213, in 
>>     self.actionHandlers[ActionID](msg.split('\r\n'))
>>   File "./", line 1641, in handlerParseSkypeUsers
>>     response = lines[3]
>> IndexError: list index out of range
[Mon Nov 23 00:22:55 2009] ERROR    :: AsteriskManager.threadRecvQueue :: 
Unhandled Exception in ActionHandler for ActionID IAX2/demo
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>   File "/var/www/monast-1.4/pymon/amapi/", line 213, in 
>>     self.actionHandlers[ActionID](msg.split('\r\n'))
>>   File "./", line 1588, in _defaultParseConfigPeers
>>     result = lines[3]
>> IndexError: list index out of range
[Mon Nov 23 00:23:00 2009] NOTICE   :: MonAst.threadClient 
(threadClient-0.944669036951) :: New client session: 



displaysystemname = yes
enabled = yes
;webenabled = yes
port = 5038

;httptimeout = 60
; a) httptimeout sets the Max-Age of the http cookie
; b) httptimeout is the amount of time the webserver waits
;    on a action=waitevent request (actually its httptimeout-10)
; c) httptimeout is also the amount of time the webserver keeps
;    a http session alive after completing a successful action

bindaddr =
;displayconnects = yes
; Add a Unix epoch timestamp to events (not action responses)
;timestampevents = yes

;secret = mysecret
; If the device connected via this user accepts input slowly,
; the timeout for writes to it can be increased to keep it
; from being disconnected (value is in milliseconds)
; writetimeout = 100
; Authorization for various classes
;read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config
;write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config

secret = 1234




# Dados para conectar ao AMI
hostname = localhost
hostport = 5038
username = monast
password = 1234

# Bind client connetions on host:port
bind_host =
bind_port = 5039

# Default user context
default_context = default

# Context to use in transfer calls
transfer_context = default

# Context and prefix for meetme
meetme_context = default
meetme_prefix =

# sort peers (options: peer, callerid, calleridname, calleridnum)
sortby = callerid

# defualt show/hide
default = show

# hide peer when default = show
SIP/user-1 = hide

# show peer when default = hide
SIP/user-2 = show

# always show peer.
SIP/user-3 = force

# force CallerID (only in forced mode)
SIP/user-4 = force,Diego Aguirre <5555>


Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados
A Redfone é líder no fornecimento de bridges TDMoE &lt;-> E1
- Valor similar ao de placas E1 PCI;
- Não há problemas de compatibilidade com barramento PCI;
- Possibilitam a construção de soluções de alta disponibilidade(dois  
servidores compartilham o mesmo E1)
Conheça mais sobre este produto em
Lista de discussões

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