
 No debug, a tentativa de originar a ligação retornou "Sending: NO SESSION"
conforme cópia do log abaixo.

[Thu Jan 21 15:34:30 2010] DEBUG    :: MonAst.threadClient
(threadClient-0.0873871592169) :: Received: GET CHANGES
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:30 2010] INFO     :: MonAst.clientGetChanges
(threadClient-0.0873871592169) :: Running...
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:30 2010] DEBUG    :: MonAst.threadClient
(threadClient-0.0873871592169) :: Sending: NO CHANGES
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:31 2010] DEBUG    :: MonAst.threadClient
(threadClient-0.0873871592169) :: Received: GET CHANGES
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:31 2010] INFO     :: MonAst.clientGetChanges
(threadClient-0.0873871592169) :: Running...
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:31 2010] DEBUG    :: MonAst.threadClient
(threadClient-0.0873871592169) :: Sending: NO CHANGES
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:32 2010] DEBUG    :: MonAst.threadClient
(threadClient-0.0873871592169) :: Received: GET CHANGES
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:32 2010] INFO     :: MonAst.clientGetChanges
(threadClient-0.0873871592169) :: Running...
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:32 2010] DEBUG    :: MonAst.threadClient
(threadClient-0.0873871592169) :: Sending: NO CHANGES

                                 TENTATIVA DE ORIGINAR A LIGAÇÃO
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:33 2010] DEBUG    :: MonAst.threadClient
(threadClient-0.0873871592169) :: Received: {\\"Action\\":
\\"OriginateCall\\", \\"Source\\": \\"SIP/6214\\", \\"Destination\\":
\\"2087\\", \\"Type\\": \\"default\\"}
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:33 2010] DEBUG    :: MonAst.threadClient
(threadClient-0.0873871592169) :: Sending: NO SESSION


[Thu Jan 21 15:34:33 2010] DEBUG    :: MonAst.threadClient
(threadClient-0.0873871592169) :: Received: GET CHANGES
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:33 2010] INFO     :: MonAst.clientGetChanges
(threadClient-0.0873871592169) :: Running...
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:33 2010] DEBUG    :: MonAst.threadClient
(threadClient-0.0873871592169) :: Sending: NO CHANGES
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:40 2010] INFO     :: AsteriskManager.threadPing :: PING
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:40 2010] DEBUG    :: Action: PING
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:40 2010] DEBUG    :: AsteriskManager.threadRecvQueue ::
Received: Response: Success\r\nPing: Pong
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:41 2010] INFO     :: AsteriskManager.threadPing :: PONG
^C[Thu Jan 21 15:34:41 2010] INFO     :: MonAst.start :: Received
KeyboardInterrupt -- Shutting Down
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:41 2010] NOTICE   :: AsteriskManager.close :: Finishing...
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:42 2010] NOTICE   :: AsteriskManager.logoff :: Logging
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:42 2010] DEBUG    :: Action: logoff
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:42 2010] DEBUG    :: AsteriskManager.threadRecvQueue ::
Received: Response: Goodbye\r\nMessage: Thanks for all the fish.
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:44 2010] NOTICE   :: AsteriskManager.disconnect :: Closing
connection to localhost:5038
[Thu Jan 21 15:34:44 2010] NOTICE   :: Monast :: Finished...

> José
> Rode o monast em modo debug, e veja se apos executar a ação pelo browser,
> acontece algum erro no log
> # monast.py --colored --debug
> Em 21-01-2010 12:12, José Augusto Dalgut Junior escreveu:
> > Diego,
> >
> >  Obrigado pela ajuda, realmente havia diferença nas linhas que você me
> > informou, mas mesmo alterando para as suas linhas e reiniciando o
> > asterisk e o monast, não funcionou.
> >
> >  Segue abaixo a configuração do manager.conf
> >
> > [general]
> > displaysystemname=yes
> > enabled=yes
> > port=5038
> > bindaddr =
> >
> > [monast]
> > secret=xxxx
> > deny= <>
> > permit= <>
> > ;read=system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config
> > ;write=system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config
> >
> >
> read=system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,originate,reporting
> >
> write=system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config,originate,reporting
> >
> >  Mais uma vez, obrigado.
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