Tenho recebido o seguinte erro quando vou transferir depois de receber uam 
chamada na URA, sendo q tenho 10 licensas digium g729, todo os ramais com alaw 
e ulaw ativados.

[2011-08-16 08:16:58] WARNING[20508] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type 
slin, while native formats is 0x100 (g729) read/write = 0x40 (slin)/0x100 (g729)
[2011-08-16 08:16:58] WARNING[20508] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type 
slin, while native formats is 0x100 (g729) read/write = 0x40 (slin)/0x100 (g729)

[2011-08-16 08:44:37] NOTICE[20625] channel.c: Dropping incompatible voice 
frame on Local/219@ramais-ae51;2 of format ulaw since our native format has 
changed to 0x8 (alaw)
[2011-08-16 08:44:37] NOTICE[20625] channel.c: Dropping incompatible voice 
frame on Local/219@ramais-ae51;2 of format ulaw since our native format has 
changed to 0x8 (alaw)

[2011-08-16 09:13:45] NOTICE[20770] channel.c: Dropping incompatible voice 
frame on Local/196@ramais-596b;2 of format g729 since our native format has 
changed to 0x8 (alaw)
[2011-08-16 09:13:45] NOTICE[20770] channel.c: Dropping incompatible voice 
frame on Local/196@ramais-596b;2 of format g729 since our native format has 
changed to 0x8 (alaw

[2011-08-17 16:45:41] NOTICE[1959] channel.c: Dropping incompatible voice frame 
on Local/212@ramais-ea1f;2 of format ulaw since our native format has changed 
to 0x8 (alaw)

apos este erro a ligacao cai, alguem tem uma luz?

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