
warning: Do not use a global variable for PICKUPMARK - this should be a
normal channel variable instead. Otherwise every call made to extension
1234, 1235, etc would overwrite the global variable and so only the last
call made to an extension can be picked up. As for channel variables: pay
attention to variable inheritance. So, in the dialplan you must implement
pickup logic like:

exten => _*8.,1,Pickup(${EXTEN:2}@PICKUPMARK)
exten => _*8.,n,Hangup()

Don't set PICKUPMARK in the "extension" _*8. like in the example given
below, that's nonsense. You should set the channel variable when making a
call to the extension, something like:

exten => 1234,1,Set(__PICKUPMARK=1234)
exten => 1234,n,Dial(...)

Please take note of the two underscores before the variable name. That means
"inherit unlimited depth". You should be using macros to define extensions,
so better add that line to the macro. If you do so, your pickup logic will
work seamlessly.
Correction: It is sufficient to use a single underscore for "inherit once"
instead of two undescores!


Em 3 de setembro de 2011 15:20, Eduardo Leones

> Boa tarde,
> Não estou conseguindo criar um dial plan para puxar ligações por ramal.
> Estou usando o asterisk 1.4.18 com o seguinte dial plan:
> exten => _*7XXX,1,Pickup(${EXTEN:2}@PICKUPMARK)
> exten => _*7XXX,n,Hangup()
> Porém, não está funcionando, aparece o seguinte erro no CLI:
>     -- Executing [*7503@ypytrix-05:2] Pickup("SIP/501-000063a2",
> "503@PICKUPMARK") in new stack
> [Sep  3 14:54:26] NOTICE[17844]: app_directed_pickup.c:159 pickup_exec: No
> target channel found for 503.
>     -- Executing [*7503@ypytrix-05:3] Hangup("SIP/501-000063a2", "") in
> new stack
> Alguém sabe como funciona o Pickup por ramal no asterisk 1.4?
> obrigado,
> Eduardo
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KHOMP: qualidade em placas de E1, GSM, FXS e FXO para Asterisk. 
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LANÇAMENTO SHOPVOIP! Gateway Xibelis Lyric VoIP com 2,4 e 6 canais GSM.
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