Boa tarde amigos,

estou recebendo um erro no asterisk que fica passando no cli sem parar,
alguém já passou por esse erro?

[2018-07-23 12:08:22] WARNING[14073][C-00000240]: chan_sip.c:7532
sip_write: Can't send 10 type frames with SIP write
[2018-07-23 12:08:22] WARNING[14073][C-00000240]: chan_sip.c:7532
sip_write: Can't send 10 type frames with SIP write
[2018-07-23 12:08:22] WARNING[14073][C-00000240]: chan_sip.c:7532
sip_write: Can't send 10 type frames with SIP write
[2018-07-23 12:08:22] WARNING[14073][C-00000240]: chan_sip.c:7532
sip_write: Can't send 10 type frames with SIP write
[2018-07-23 12:08:22] WARNING[14073][C-00000240]: chan_sip.c:7532
sip_write: Can't send 10 type frames with SIP write
[2018-07-23 12:08:23] WARNING[14073][C-00000240]: chan_sip.c:7532
sip_write: Can't send 10 type frames with SIP write
[2018-07-23 12:08:23] WARNING[14073][C-00000240]: chan_sip.c:7532
sip_write: Can't send 10 type frames with SIP write
[2018-07-23 12:08:23] WARNING[14073][C-00000240]: chan_sip.c:7532
sip_write: Can't send 10 type frames with SIP write
[2018-07-23 12:08:23] WARNING[14073][C-00000240]: chan_sip.c:7532
sip_write: Can't send 10 type frames with SIP write
[2018-07-23 12:08:23] WARNING[14073][C-00000240]: chan_sip.c:7532
sip_write: Can't send 10 type frames with SIP write

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Media Gateways de 1 a 64 E1s para SIP com R2, ISDN e SS7
Intercomunicador e acesso remoto via rede IP e telefones IP
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