I updated the file on the files.astlinux.org server so if there is a 
problem with the primary at rhinoequipment.com, it should work on the 


Tod Fitch wrote:
> The issue is that if you don't have an account at Rhino Equipment the 
> FTP is not allowed:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ftp ftp.rhinoequipment.com
> Connected to ftp.rhinoequipment.com.
> 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [TLS] ----------
> 220-You are user number 1 of 50 allowed.
> 220-Local time is now 17:21. Server port: 21.
> 220-IPv6 connections are also welcome on this server.
> 220 You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity.
> Name (ftp.rhinoequipment.com:tfitch): anonymous
> 230 Anonymous user logged in
> Remote system type is UNIX.
> Using binary mode to transfer files.
> ftp> cd Drivers
> 250 OK. Current directory is /Drivers
> ftp> cd Zaptel
> 250 OK. Current directory is /Drivers/Zaptel
> ftp> binary
> 200 TYPE is now 8-bit binary
> ftp> get rhino-2.2.6.tbz2
> local: rhino-2.2.6.tbz2 remote: rhino-2.2.6.tbz2
> 229 Extended Passive mode OK (|||54846|)
> 550-The load was 5.34 when you connected. We do not allow downloads
> 550-by anonymous users when the load is that high. Uploads are always
> 550 allowed.
> ftp>
> In theory, this is a temporary failure. In practice this result has been 
> returned to me 100% of the times I have tried in the last several days.
> --Tod
> On Nov 15, 2008, at 11:59 AM, Darrick Hartman wrote:
>> I just went on the Rhino site.  The file is there so perhaps download it
>> manually into your dl directory.
>> ftp://ftp.rhinoequipment.com/Drivers/Zaptel/rhino-2.2.6.tbz2
>> The sha1sum was available on the files.astlinux.org site.  It appeared
>> to be correct.  I can't say the same for the rhino-2.2.6.tbz2 file.
>> I'll dig into it deeper, but not until tomorrow.
>> Darrick
>> David Kerr wrote:
>>> I have just run into this problem myself... Building the latest 0.6
>>> branch, rhino-2.2.6 fails in the make file...
>>> toolchain/getter_script.sh -P /home/david/astlinux-0.6-vmware/dl
>>> ftp://ftp.rhinoequipment.com/Drivers/Zaptel/rhino-2.2.6.tbz2
>>> No such file `rhino-2.2.6.tbz2'.
>>> Retrying from astlinux alternate site...
>>> 14:43:30 URL:http://files.astlinux.org/rhino-2.2.6.tbz2 [220] ->
>>> "/home/david/astlinux-0.6-vmware/dl/rhino-2.2.6.tbz2" [2]
>>> 14:43:32 URL:http://files.astlinux.org/rhino-2.2.6.tbz2.sha1 [392] ->
>>> "dl/rhino-2.2.6.tbz2.sha1" [2]
>>> rhino-2.2.6.tbz2 failed verification - exiting
>>> make: *** [/home/david/astlinux-0.6-vmware/dl/rhino-2.2.6.tbz2] Error 1
>>> the rhino-2.2.6 file that it gets from files.astlinux.org
>>> <http://files.astlinux.org> looks to be bad (220 bytes long?) which it
>>> tries after failing to get from ftp.rhinoequipment.com
>>> <http://ftp.rhinoequipment.com>

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