Cleveland Electronic Services wrote:
> Hi Justin & Darrick,
> Thanks for your help, I still cant get this to work, when I reboot the
> machine it does not detect my TDM card I have to run " modprobe wctdm " at
> root to get it started hope you could send me some answers.
> [Justin Coffi wrote:
>> Try creating a symbolic link from /etc/zaptel.conf to 
>> /mnt/kd/zaptel.conf and leave your zaptel.conf on the keydisk. This 
>> should fix things.]
> I tried this but still no go at reboot I have to run " modprobe wctdm" to
> get it to work.
> [The symbolic link was there to start with.  If you deleted it and 
> created a new file overwriting, it's possible to 'undelete' the deleted 
> symbolic link by removing the file that's on the unionfs partition which 
> is overwriting the symbolic link.]


You have one of a few things going on.

1).  You're editing /mnt/kd/rc.conf and had previously used the web 
interfaced to make some changes (which then creates a directory called 
/mnt/kd/rc.conf.d/ with several *.conf files).

2).  You're editing /etc/rc.conf directly which the header on the file 
itself warns you is the wrong thing to do.

My guess is #1.  If that's the case, you need to look in the 
/mnt/kd/rc.conf.d directory for a file called user.conf.  Edit that file 
and add a line called ZAPMODS=wctdm

After you've done that, either reboot (recommended) or do the following:

1).  service asterisk stop; service zaptel stop
2).  gen-rc-conf
3).  service zaptel start; service asterisk start


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