>Hello all
>I've always just bought a Sandisk from Soekris when setting up one of
>their boxes, but I guess the exchange rate is hammering us in the UK a
>tad these days, so I'm going to buy it separately. So, what size of CF
>card is recommended now for Astlinux? I'll get a Sandisk again if I
>can, as everyone seems to recommend them, but what size? Not bothering
>with handset firmware, just voicemail. Also, any genuine advantages in
>Astlinux of Ultra II vs III vs IV - I assume that refers to access

Hi Tom,

I always used SanDisk Ultra II with 1-4 GB depending on the purpose.
Nowadays it seems that you won't get 1GB anyway, so I would take 2 GB or 4 GB.
The last 4 GB I bought was about 15 EUR.



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