I am having big issues trying to build..  I was thinking that all my files
were already downloaded, however im guessing not..  I got 4003 to build
yesterday but it wouldn't run, the bZimage file was completely missing when
poking through the root dir on the shell(of the target device)  so my guess
is it has to do with something it could not get from the DL site but did not
trigger a build error..

Today im trying to build again and getting issues for sha1 files missing so
my guess is it is not seeing the files on the server....

Anything that can be done?  Can I somehow get the files, host them on a
server of my own and somehow point the build environment there to get the

-----Original Message-----
From: Darrick Hartman [mailto:dhart...@djhsolutions.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2010 1:09 AM
To: AstLinux Developers Mailing List
Cc: AstLinux Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Astlinux-users] [Astlinux-devel] Current issues with downloads

Just an update on this.  mirror.astlinux.org is now working. 
files.astlinux.org is still unreachable.  It will likely remain this way 
until next weekend which is the next scheduled maintenance window.

This will mainly affect people who are building custom images and may 
not have downloaded the sha1sum files for the source tarballs.  I may 
make a tarball available for those files at some point this week if 
someone wants them.

If no one says anything, we'll leave things as is until we have a firm 
plan in place.



On 05/09/2010 11:07 PM, Darrick Hartman wrote:
> There was a hardware failure at the colo site that hosts
> mirror.astlinux.org and files.astlinux.org.  That particular server is
> OK, but the networking equipment to connect that server to the internet
> is currently down.
> We are working to get this resolved as soon as possible.  We may have a
> temporary work around in place tomorrow.  The issue may not be
> completely resolved until next weekend which is the next available
> maintenance window.
> I placed a notice on the www.astlinux.org website with this same
> information.
> Regards,
> Darrick

Darrick Hartman
DJH Solutions, LLC


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