You are correct I hadnt done this on any of my astlinux boxes..  But I was
thinking you had dhcpd in the build stream..  Although I havent looked at
build options in a while... Buildroot broke for me a bit back when I
upgraded the fedora on my dev server.. Not sure why I thought it was
there(dhcpd)... I work on so many different things I think my mind is a
DHCP server sometimes just handing out addresses lol...

The one thing to remember about my setup is that in your MAC.cfg files you
explicitly blank out or specify a new action uri startup:  in my case I
have all phones run a script on startup "getlights" that makes sure any
activated feature buttons..  (cover / forward) etc that have LED commands
will restore to their previous values.. Another thought to note is have
the DHCP server be the LAST process to start up after a failure, thus
making sure the phones don’t appear to be working or cant DL their data as
they almost always boot first after a power failure... I want the PBX up
before the phones can come online.. The easiest way is preventing DHCP
till you are ready for them...  Helps to avoid support calls after a
system failure.. An orderly reboot sends sip notifies to them all just
after stopping the DHCP server... So a PBX reboot includes endpoint
reboots... Perhaps overkill but seems to help

On 2/24/12 2:10 PM, "Michael Keuter" <> wrote:

>Am 24.02.2012 um 19:52 schrieb Lonnie Abelbeck:
>> Hi Chris,
>> Thanks for sharing!
>> But to be clear, you are not doing this on AstLinux, correct?
>> While almost everything in your system would work in AstLinux, the
>>missing piece is setting "option tftp-server-name" special for Aastra
>>MAC addresses.  We use dnsmasq and I'm not sure if our
>>"/mnt/kd/dnsmasq.static" could be edited in such a way to support the
>>same kind of MAC conditional logic.
>> Or, maybe I'm missing something.
>> Thanks again...
>> Lonnie
>Yes, it can, example:
>> On Feb 24, 2012, at 11:20 AM, Chris Abnett wrote:
>>> I do exactly this..  I wrote a script that when a new phone enters the
>>> system..  The static aastra.cfg file tells the phone to go grab a
>>> PHP script that basically makes the phone say "enter you extension"...
>>> type the extension and hit OK..  This calls my phone register script
>>> sending the extension number as an argument..  By using the HTTP
>>>headers I
>>> grab the phone type and the MAC address of the phone..  Generate a
>>> file and push back a reboot request to the phone...
>>> The phone then reboots and grabs the config from the server..  The
>>> parameters are given to the phone by DHCP..  In my dhcpd.conf I have
>>> up where I send different options to different types of devices based
>>> their macs...
>>> The trick is you place an aastra.cfg file on the server and make DHCP
>>> out the server location for the phone to go.. This way it is
>>> out of the box for a new phone...
>>> I wrote my own set of auto-config scripts mainly because I found the
>>> provided ones to be convoluted and didn¹t work in the way I wanted...
>>> I use lighttpd for the web server and all works great.
>>> Here is an example of how I grab the phone's type and MAC address...
>>> grabbing the type I can generate the correct type of key buttons
>>> dependant on the type of set they have.. Ie softkey vs prgkey
>>> # get extension from URL if sent
>>> if (array_key_exists('user',$_GET)) {
>>>  $extension =$_GET['user'];
>>> } else {
>>>  $extension = NULL;
>>> }
>>> ## get user agent info from web server
>>> $user_agent_raw = $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"];
>>> #decode our HTTP header
>>> $ffr = decode_header($user_agent_raw);
>>> #####################################################################
>>> # decode_header()
>>> # 
>>> # Returns an array
>>> #       0 Phone Type
>>> #       1 Phone MAC Address
>>> #       2 Phone firmware version
>>> #####################################################################
>>> function decode_header($user_agent)
>>> { 
>>> testlog($user_agent);
>>> # $user_agent="Aastra6731i MAC:00-08-5D-26-17-78 V:";
>>> if(stristr($user_agent,"Aastra")) {
>>> $value=preg_split("/ MAC:/",$user_agent);
>>> $fin=preg_split("/ /",$value[1]);
>>> $value[1]=preg_replace("/\-/","",$fin[0]);
>>> $value[2]=preg_replace("/V:/","",$fin[1]);
>>> } else { 
>>> $value[0]="MSIE";
>>> $value[1]="NA";
>>> $value[2]="NA";
>>> }
>>> $value[3]=$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
>>> return $value; 
>>> }
>>> ******
>>> Here is a snippet from my dhcpd.conf on how I tell DHCP to send options
>>> based on MAC
>>> # tftp for Aastra sets is special, otherwise use GUI value
>>> if substring(hardware,1,3) = 00:08:5D {
>>> option tftp-server-name        "tftp://";;
>>> }
>>> ******
>>> And finally my aastra.cfg file..  This file is checked by every phone
>>> bootup, however data in a MAC.cfg takes precedence over data in this
>>> file..  So you can leave it on the server all the time and put a
>>> action uri startup in your MAC.cfg or blank it out..  So then the
>>> will only go to your newphone script once when they are default or are
>>> missing a config on the server
>>> # Setup DHCP mode
>>> dhcp: 1
>>> lldp: 0
>>> download protocol: TFTP
>>> time server disabled: 1
>>> time server1:
>>> time server2:
>>> time server3:
>>> contact rcs: 0
>>> action uri startup:
>>> -Christopher
>> Virtualization & Cloud Management Using Capacity Planning
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