Am 05.01.2015 um 14:01 schrieb Tom Chadwin <>:

> Hello all
> I've been away on a secondment for over a year, and am now back to see how
> our Astlinux installation has got on in my absence. Here is how it is at the
> mo:
> astlinux-1.1.2 - Asterisk
> net5501
> berofix PRI
> Just under 60 Snom 300s (and one 320)
> 4 PAP2Ts (therefore 8 analogue devices)
> So we use a PRI trunk (only 8 channels enabled, I think), but also use IAX2
> over a dedicated ADSL line to communicate with our other offices (which are
> working fine, and probably just need an Astlinux upgrade). We use Page() to
> 31 Snoms (yes, I know that is way beyond what a net5501 can handle). I do
> not know our call concurrency rate/requirement - can anyone recommend a good
> way of gauging current use, rather than sitting watching a console?
> Issues and developments are:
> - we've just had a 100Mbps leased line installed, which is not currently
> used by Astlinux
> - Astlinux silently crashes on average about once a week, but the incidents
> tend to cluster in time, so we get a couple of crashes in a day, and a
> couple the next day, then nothing for a month - totally unexplained at this
> stage
> So, my initial questions are:
> - is Astlinux capable of this scale of installation?
> - is it appropriate for this level of installation?
> - if yes to these, and assuming that the net5501 is incredibly under-powered
> for this, what hardware should we consider? (low power is good for us, but
> fanless/silent is no longer an issue) - we have a multihosted/multi-SAN
> VMware environment which can be used if more appropriate than dedicated
> solid-state hardware
> We would obviously like to get rid of the dedicated ADSL line and the PRI,
> and use VoIP for everything.
> So, lots to consider. Can anyone advise? Or should I be asking one of you to
> give us some advice commercially?
> Many thanks
> Tom

Hi Tom,

before you test further, I would suggest that you upgrade your system to the 
latest AstLinux version (with Asterisk 1.8), or better upgrade Asterisk 11.
Maybe the problems are due to software bug in one of the packages or drivers.

I have installations with 30-40 phones on a net5501 and have no crashes for 
many years. The paging could be a problem, are the crashes occur shortly after 
You could install AstLinux in a VMWare environment and then misuse the net5501 
just as a SIP-to-ISDN gateway, if the Berofix is a PCI card and not in an 
external box.


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