Hi all,

I'm trying to realize a possibility to start a call from asterisk itself to 
several clients automatically through call files.
All works perfectly when I call only one client; I define as "Channel" the 
client I want to call, the client rings, he ends up in the defined context and 
extension, all perfect.
But my target is to be able to call a group of clients in parallel:
* a daemon copies the call file into spool folder
* the call is started from asterisk
* all clients are ringing
* when on one client the call is answered the others stop ringing
* The answered clients ends up in the defined context and extension.

I tried the following approaches:
* Using a local extension for parameter "Channel" in call file and the command 
"Dial/SIP101&SIP102..) to call the clients in parallel. The result was that the 
clients are ringing, but when I decline the call on one client asterisk 
re-triggers the call and makes the client ring again; only declining a second 
time stops the ringing on the client. On the other hand, when I accept the call 
on one client, asterisk first hangs up on the other clients, but then a call to 
the  second client is triggered again, the second client is ringing and when I 
take the call on the second client both clients are connect among each other. 
This not what Im targeting for.
* Using single call files to connect the single clients to the same context and 
extension: The clients ring and it works all fine, but when I take the call on 
one of the clients the others of course keep on ringing, since the processed 
call files are all single files and so single calls. If there is some 
possibility to hangup the clients which have not answered inside the used 
extension when one of the clients answered, then it will be my solution. But it 
is difficult, since the extension is only jumped in, when the call is answered.

Does anyone know how to achieve a solution:
* start a call from an external executable over call files or if possible also 
directly by communicating to asterisk if possible
* A defined group of SIP clients should then ring
* When one declines the others should go on ringing
* When one answers the call the others should be hang up and so stop ringing
* The client who answered the call should end up in a defined context and 

Best regards

Stefan Ulm
Technical Department | Research & Development


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