set a variable first... the issue is that ${EXTEN} changes to 'a' when you * 
out...  ${EXTEN} is the current extension you are workign with and you want to 
go to the original dialed extension.

exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Answer
exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,n,NoOp(inbound-phone-call)
; set a variable for box numberexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,n,Set(boxumber=${EXTEN})
exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,n,Voicemail(${boxnumber})
;exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,n,VoiceMailMain(${EXTEN})exten = > _NXXNXXXXXX,n,Hangup
; user dialed * in greeting. send them to their mailbox
exten => a, 1, VoicemailMain(${boxnumber})exten => a,n, Hangup


      From: Tim Turpin <>
 To: 'AstLinux Users Mailing List' <> 
 Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 8:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [Astlinux-users] Question about setting up AstLinux as voicemail 
#yiv9586204792 #yiv9586204792 -- _filtered #yiv9586204792 
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{}#yiv9586204792 This appears to possibly work for one mailbox user.  We have a 
couple thousand users, all dialing in via DID, and the process needs to be the 
same for all users.  My current extensions.conf looks like this:  [inbound]
exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Answer
exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,n,NoOp(inbound-phone-call)
exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,n,Voicemail(${EXTEN})
;exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,n,VoiceMailMain(${EXTEN});exten => a, 1, 
VoicemailMain(${EXTEN})  I’ve played with the ‘a’ extension in different 
formats, but can’t seem to make it work.  In the current configuration, when a 
caller dials in, it plays the greeting for that particular mailbox.  If I 
comment out the third line and un-comment the fourth, the caller drops into 
their box with the ability to log in.  I can’t figure out how to utilize the 
‘a’ extension to allow the user to press ‘*’ to login while listening to his 
greeting (the fifth line).    I’m using information about the ‘a’ extension 
from the following sites:  From ’ ':a: Called when 
user presses ‘*’ during a voicemail greeting
h: Hangup extension
i: invalid extension
o: Operator extension, used for operator exit by pressing zero in voicemail
s: Start extension in context
t: Timeout extension
T: AbsoluteTimeout() extensionAlso, from ’ ':Also. during the 
prompt if the caller presses:
’*’ - the call jumps to extension ‘a’ in the current voicemail context.
Exten => a, 1, VoicemailMain(@default)
Exten => a, 2, HangupBeing a novice at Asterisk, I have to assume that I’m not 
following the proper coding format, or I’m not applying the ‘a’ extension 
properly.  From what I have read on these two web pages, I think that this is 
the application to use, but I’m just not applying it properly.  From: David 
Kerr [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 5:30 PM
To: AstLinux Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Astlinux-users] Question about setting up AstLinux as voicemail 
server  Tim,  You are going to want to use the Background() app to play the 
greeting with the WaitExten() app to wait for a keypress (if they wait til the 
very end of the greeting before pressing) and then the Authenticate() app to 
get a PIN to proceed to whatever action is permitted.  Something like this 
(untested but should be close enough)...  [leavemessage]exten = 
s,1,NoOp(voicemail) same = n,Ringing() same = n,Wait(2) same = n,Answer() same 
= n(start),Set(TIMEOUT(response)=1) same = n,Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=1) same = 
n,Background(record/NoAnswer) ; my custom message, press 1 or wait to leave a 
msg same = n,WaitExten(1)exten = 1,1,Voicemail(101,us) ; caller pressed 1 same 
= n,NoOp(Back from voicemail) same = n,Hangup()exten = 
_[*],1,VoiceMailMain(101,sa(0)) ; caller pressed * same = n,NoOp(Back from 
voicemailmain) same = n,Hangup()exten = t,1,Voicemail(101,us) ; timeout, leave 
a message. could GoTo(1,1) same = n,NoOp(Back from voicemail) same = 
n,Hangup()exten = i,1,Playback(pbx-invalid) ; standard invalid key pressed msg. 
same = n,Goto(s,start)exten = h,1,Hangup()  David      On Tue, Aug 22, 2017 at 
3:04 PM, Tim Turpin <> wrote:Thank you for the fast reply.

I loaded up the AstLinux last week. I've been able to figure out most of
what I need, except for a way to route incoming DID calls to voicemail,
allowing the caller to be able to press '*' while hearing the mailbox
greeting and then be handed off to 'VoiceMailMain()' to log into their box.
If '*' isn't pressed, the caller would just drop into the mailbox to leave a

It seems like it should be easy to set up, but it's really kicking my butt
right now, and I'm just trying to determine my best avenue for assistance in
figuring this out.  I'll try the Asterisk forums and see if they can offer
any help.

Thanks again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lonnie Abelbeck []
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2017 2:31 PM
To: AstLinux Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Astlinux-users] Question about setting up AstLinux as
voicemail server

On Aug 22, 2017, at 11:49 AM, Tim Turpin <> wrote:

> I'm new to the Asterisk world, and I'm trying to use AstLinux to replicate
an existing voicemail environment, and I have several configuration
questions.  Is this the proper forum for these questions, or do I send the
questions somewhere else?
> Thanks.
> Tim.

Hi Tim,

First, using AstLinux as a dedicated voicemail server, using a small x86
appliance and SSD storage or Virtual Machine Guest is a good approach.

This mailing list is mostly dedicated to AstLinux Project specific
questions, Asterisk voicemail.conf, sip.conf and extensions.conf
configurations are best asked in the Asterisk support groups.  If you have
things all but working and have reached a brick wall using AstLinux ... you
can give this list a try.

Keep in mind that using AstLinux, you will be required to generate the base
extensions.conf text file for yourself, AstLinux has a basic web interface
and "Users" tab that can help manage your voicemail users.  As a starting
point you might spin-up the "Guest VM x86-64bit (Video Console)" Install ISO
in a virtual machine to give you a playground to test before purchasing any

Alternatively, if coding a extensions.conf is not your cup-of-tea you might
query this mailing list for off-line consulting help.

Here is a reference to give you the flavor of the configuration ...

Configuring Voice Mail Boxes


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