Hi Michael,
  For the purpose of this exercise I made no assumptions on how the
wireguard tunnel is routed as that is irrelevant and the beauty of using a
wireguard tunnel.  That said on my personal system I have eth0 connected to
comcast and eth2 connected to 4G/LTE and the wireguard tunnel can go over
either.  To avoid driving traffic over 4G/LTE I actually only move the
wireguard tunnel to eth2 during WAN failover.  That involves its own set of
routing table instructions.


On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 5:44 PM Michael Knill <
michael.kn...@ipcsolutions.com.au> wrote:

> Hi David
> Just confirming, is failover connected to eth1, not eth0 as you have noted
> below? If so, are you forcing Wireguard out eth1?
> I set up all my systems so that the Wiregaurd VPN goes out the active WAN
> connection. Handy for failover fall back in that it does not disconnect any
> calls and it does not use any 4G (little that it may be).
> In your case, would this not mean that it would work on either WAN
> connection?
> Regards
> Michael Knill
> *From: *David Kerr <da...@kerr.net>
> *Reply-To: *AstLinux List <astlinux-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> *Date: *Wednesday, 10 October 2018 at 8:28 am
> *To: *AstLinux List <astlinux-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> *Subject: *Re: [Astlinux-users] Access to VPN endpoint from external
> I have been wanting to get access to my PBX over my failover tunnel for
> some time now but didn't know how to get it done (when failover was not
> active -- works when astlinux is in failover mode).  This thread prompted
> me to try and get it setup, inspired by Lonnie pointing out fwmark.
> Unfortunately what I thought would be a quick exercise took several hours
> to get going.  First a diagram...
> [RemoteDev]
>   |          public internet
>   ---------------------------------------
>         | eth0                      | eth0
>    [failover] wg0 --------- wg0 [astlinux]
>        172.23.x.2       172.23.x.1  | eth1 192.168.x.1
>                              --------------------------
>                               |        private LAN
>                         [internal system] 192.168.x.y
> failover could be astlinux or any linux that can act as a router/gateway
> failover is connected to public internet through its eth0 interface
> failover is connected to astlinux over wireguard.
> astlinux is connected to public internet through its eth0 interface
> astlinux is connected to failover over wireguard.
> astlinux is connected to a private LAN 192.168.x.0/24
> Desired behavior is to allow [RemoteDev] to access [astlinux] (ssh or
> https) or [internal system] connecting through either astlinux eth0 or
> failover eth0.  For this to work [failover] must NAT inbound ssh or https
> over to [astlinux] or [internal system].  That part is easy enough and if
> failover is active everything works fine as return traffic is routed back
> over wireguard.  But I want it to work even if failover is not active.
> First, the wireguard feature to set fwmark on the interface does nothing
> to help.  I tried.  And the documentation (
> https://www.wireguard.com/netns/) states that this sets a mark on
> outbound traffic to the wireguard UDP port.  In other words the already
> encrypted packets going out through eth0 port 51820.  Actual packets
> flowing in/out of the tunnel are not marked.   But the principle of using
> fwmark is sound, we just need another way of marking the packets.
> This is what worked for me... on the [astlinux] system...
> iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j CONNMARK --restore-mark
> iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i wg0 -j MARK --set-xmark 0x4/0x4
> iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i wg0 -j CONNMARK --save-mark
> iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -j CONNMARK --restore-mark
> ip route flush table 300
> ip route add table 300 default dev wg0 via 172.23.x.2
> ip rule add from 192.168.x.0/24 fwmark 0x4/0x4 table 300 priority 1000
> Explanation...
>    - We are setting a firewall mark on all inbound traffic from wg0.
>    fwmark is a 32-bit unsigned and can be treated as a value or a 32-bit
>    field.  I have chosen to treat it as a 32-bit field and using mask only set
>    bit 2, this means I can use other bits for other purposes in
>    iptables/netfilter/route if I want.  You can pick any bit or simply use a
>    integer value.  Whatever you do needs to be consistent and be aware of any
>    other uses of fwmark in your firewall.
>    - We must save this fwmark with the CONNMARK extension, so that we can
>    reattach the mark on related traffic.  fwmarks do not attach to the IP
>    packet, they exist in the context of this system's kernel only.  So
>    connection tracking is required to keep track of it.
>    - PREROUTING chain is called for all inbound traffic from all
>    interfaces.  So replies from LAN through eth1 will come here too and this
>    is where we need to restore the fwmark on returning packets using the
>    CONNMARK connection tracking.  I do that first before setting mark on wg0
>    traffic.
>    - That works for traffic passing through [astlinux] to the internal
>    LAN.  But for traffic to astlinux (e.g. the web interface) the replies
>    originate on the astlinux box itself and therefore do not pass through
>    PREROUTING.  Therefore we must restore the fwmark on the OUTPUT chain so
>    that locally generated packets are tagged if required before we get to
>    routing.
> https://www.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial/iptables-tutorial.html#TRAVERSINGOFTABLES
> The above tags packets that need to be routed back through the wireguard
> tunnel.  Now have to mess with the routing tables to act on the marks.
>    - Picking any free ip2route table (I randomly choose 300) delete
>    anything currently on that table.
>    - Add a default route for that table to send all traffic through the
>    wireguard tunnel
>    - Add an ip rule to select which packets should be routed through this
>    table based on the fwmark.  Critical in this step is to only select packets
>    originating from the internal LAN -- ie, we are only interested in outbound
>    packets.  if we don't do that then inbound packets from wg0 will also get
>    selected and we don't want that... because we did not duplicate the content
>    of the main routing table into this new table so there are no routes to
>    local destinations.
> The above rules can be set on POST_UP in the astlinux wireguard script.
> And deleted in the POST_DOWN (or PRE_DOWN, should not matter).  Though
> beware that if you reload the firewall, without also restarting wireguard,
> then the above would get deleted.
> What might this look like in wireguard.script POST_UP section....
> # Setup routing table for traffic originating on $interface so that
> # we can set rules to route replies to that traffic over $interface
> # assume /etc/rc.conf read and interface="$2"
> if [ -n "$WAN_FAILOVER_SECONDARY_GW" ]; then
>   echo "WireGuard: set iptables and ip route table $WG0_TUNNEL_ROUTE_TABLE
> for $interface to reply to inbound traffic via $WAN_FAILOVER_SECONDARY_GW"
>   INTNET=$(netcalc $INTIP $INTNM | sed -n -r -e 's/^Network *:
> *([0-9\.\/]+).*$/\1/p')
>   iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -j CONNMARK --restore-mark
>   iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i $interface -j MARK --set-xmark
> 0x4/0x4
>   iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i $interface -j CONNMARK --save-mark
>   iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -j CONNMARK --restore-mark
>   ip route flush table $WG0_TUNNEL_ROUTE_TABLE
>   ip route add table $WG0_TUNNEL_ROUTE_TABLE default dev $interface via
>   ip rule add from $INTNET fwmark 0x4/0x4 table $WG0_TUNNEL_ROUTE_TABLE
> priority 1000
> fi
> Don't forget to delete on POST_DOWN.
> IPv6 is left as homework exercise for the reader.
> Enjoy !!
> David
> On Sat, Oct 6, 2018 at 7:54 PM Lonnie Abelbeck <li...@lonnie.abelbeck.com>
> wrote:
> Yes, is all comes down to the routing at PBX2.
> Consider this ... the PC has IP, so the NAT forward will have a
> SRC address of when received by on PBX2.  If the
> routing on PBX2 routes back through the wireguard tunnel then it
> will work as you want. On the other-hand if PBX2 routes over it's
> EXT interface then it will not work as you want.
> Probably the most elegant solution for routing on PBX2 is "policy routing"
> using "ip rule ..." where traffic through the wireguard tunnel could have a
> "fwmark" and add routing rules based on whether the packet traversed the
> wireguard tunnel.  I have only played with this ... all the hooks are
> currently available using /mnt/kd/wireguard.script
> https://doc.astlinux-project.org/userdoc:tt_wireguard_vpn#optional_action_script
> but if you are not familiar with policy-based routing in Linux, this takes
> some research to get a handle on.
> Alternatively, if your public PC's are always off a know subnet, you could
> add a static destination route on PBX2 to your PC's via the wireguard
> tunnel.
> Lonnie
> > On Oct 6, 2018, at 6:11 PM, Michael Knill <
> michael.kn...@ipcsolutions.com.au> wrote:
> >
> > Sorry Lonnie I am a little confused.
> > The setup is as follows:
> >
> > PC -- [internet] -- PBX1 -- [WG VPN] -- PBX2
> >
> > I can ping the private Wireguard PBX2 address ( from PBX1
> (
> > So I want to NAT PBX1 EXTIF on a particular port to PBX2 WG IP
> > I have set up the NAT_FOREIGN_NETWORK for the entire private address
> space.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Regards
> > Michael Knill
> >
> > On 7/10/18, 12:01 am, "Lonnie Abelbeck" <li...@lonnie.abelbeck.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >> On Oct 5, 2018, at 10:29 PM, Michael Knill <
> michael.kn...@ipcsolutions.com.au> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Group
> >>
> >> Im wanting to set up a NAT rule from NAT EXT to a Wireguard VPN
> endpoint. Is this possible?
> >> It does not seem to work with NAT EXT -> LAN.
> >> If not, is there a custom rule I can try?
> >>
> >> Basically I want to SSH to the VPN endpoint directly, via the transit
> DR server.
> >>
> >> Thanks so much.
> >
> >    Hi Michael, short answer is yes, but depending on the routing.
> >
> >    Start with a diagram ...
> >
> >    public_1 -- pbx1 [ wg_1_ip ] -- wireguard -- [ wg_2_ip ] pbx2 --
> public_2
> >
> >
> >    My understanding is you want to SSH to wg_1_ip using public_2 ?
> Correct me if I mis-understood.
> >
> >    Yes, a "NAT EXT -> LAN" on public_2 to wg_1_ip will work *only if*
> the SSH return path at pbx1 goes through the wireguard vpn.
> >
> >    I have personally tried this when pbx1 was on failover using
> wireguard over LTE/4G, as such all pbx1 traffic was routed over wireguard,
> as such a "NAT EXT -> LAN" on public_2 to wg_1_ip worked since the SSH
> return packets passed over wireguard to pbx2.
> >
> >    Tip -> Similar, but if a "NAT EXT -> LAN" on public_2 to a LAN IP on
> pbx1 you would need to set NAT_FOREIGN_NETWORK on pbx2 of the pbx1 LAN so
> it is NAT'ed on pbx2.
> >
> >    Lonnie
> >
> >
> >
> >
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