Hi Lonnie and Team AstLinux,
No worries.  This wasn't an urgent request.
I agree that pjsip show channels is sub-ideal for this purpose.  After all, 95% 
of the data shown simply echos the configuration.  I've settled on pjsip show 
contacts, which looks good since it's all on one line, and provides useful data 
regarding contact availability and qualify RTTs.  
I too have been clinging on to chan_sip which continues to work fine.  However, 
since it's been deprecated and has no official maintainer, the writing is 
clearly on the wall.  
On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 11:08 AM, Lonnie Abelbeck  wrote:
Hi Dan,

Sorry for the lack of replies, but many of us are still using chan_sip.

There may be a command more useful than "pjsip show channels"
pbx*CLI> pjsip show 
aor                    aors                   auth                   auths      
channels               channelstats           contact                contacts   
endpoints              history                identifiers            identifies 
qualify                registration           registrations          
scheduled_tasks        settings               
subscription           subscriptions          transport              transports 


On Jan 18, 2022, at 8:19 AM, Dan Ryson  wrote:

AstLinux Team,

I'm delighted to see the ongoing progress of AstLinux.  Thank you!

Although Asterisk 13SE is still working fine for me, the Pre-Release 
recommendation (highlighted below) prompted me to start experimenting with 
Asterisk 16 and pjsip/pjproject on a new droplet PBX, which is now 48 hours 
old.  It's working well for the most part and I'm making slow and steady 

To force myself to learn pjsip, I defeated the chan_sip module.  Accordingly, 
the AstLinux Status page now shows "No such command 'sip show registry'" and 
"No such command 'sip show peers'.  As a possible work around, I updated the 
Active Channels Command to "pjsip show channels" and repurposed the Show DAHDI 
Command to "pjsip show endpoints" - since DAHDI isn't being used.  This 
provides useful data and works fine.  However, the raw CLI output isn't 
particularly pretty.   

Since I'm surely not the first person to head down this path, I have a feeling 
that I'm missing something obvious and should ask the pros.  I'm hoping to hear 
your thoughts and advice for showing pjsip status.  Is there a better 
recommended practice?



On Thu, Jan 13, 2022 at 02:20 PM, Lonnie Abelbeck  wrote:
Announcing AstLinux Pre-Release: astlinux-1.4-5333-94c1eb

Key new features:

-- Asterisk 18.x is now supported, along with Asterisk 16.x and Asterisk 13.x 
built --without-pjproject

-- Previous ast13-firmware-1.x is no longer being updated, ast13-firmware-1.x 
users should either switch to ast16-firmware-1.x (recommended)
or use ast13se-firmware-1.x if chan_pjsip is not used in your dialplan.

** The AstLinux Team is regularly upgrading packages containing security and 
bug fixes as well as adding new features of our own.

-- Linux Kernel 4.19.224 (version bump), security and bug fixes

-- OpenSSL, version bump to 1.1.1m, security fixes: none

-- WireGuard VPN, module 1.0.20211208 (version bump), tools 1.0.20210914 (no 

-- libcurl (curl) version bump to 7.81.0

-- LibreTLS, version bump to 3.4.2

-- msmtp, version bump to 1.8.19, 'msmtpd' security fix

-- nano, version 2.7.5, fix issue where not saving a file could still copy the 
file to /mnt/asturw/

-- Network tab, Non-ACME Self-Signed HTTPS Certificate, use 2048 key length.

-- Asterisk 13.38.3 ('13se' no change)
Last Asterisk 13.x "Legacy" version, built --without-pjproject

-- Asterisk 16.23.0 (version bump) and 18.9.0 (new version)

-- Complete Pre-Release ChangeLog:

The "AstLinux Pre-Release ChangeLog" and "Pre-Release Repository URL" entries 
can be found under the "Development" tab of the AstLinux Project web site ...

AstLinux Project -> Development

AstLinux Team

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